List of cheap phones that run tomtom?


Inactive User
Nov 17, 2005
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Fed up with my N95 and thankfully o2 are letting me out of my contract (thanks to the change in 0870 numbers)
thinking of maybe going for a nokia n73 (as selling the n95 and going for a sim only deal)

any other suggestions for a cheap but semi decent phone that will run tom tom
It will only run 5 (I have a 6600) but you can put the latest maps on it.
nice one mr woodword :) does it run well? before i purchase on ebay
large screen is a bonus :)

Zaps the battery though and you have to really use power supply via car or plug.

Only noticed a few errors in the whole of the UK and Ireland.

All the poi's work fine and gatso cameras.

Also it paired up 1st time with a cheap gps off ebay.
Sony-E phones have better battery life. Any cheap S-E's compatible with GPS software?
N70 is cheap but a bit chunky though, but for tomtom is good.
N70 and i'm sure the N80 suffer from bluetooth drop outs. Firmware above 4.0 is best and if you have opne with 5 it will cause no problems. The actual problem is after 20 mins of gps connection the bluetooth connection drops and reconnects after 2 minutes or you have to manually switch phone off and on and the connection is established. Pain in the arse when your in a new town.

Orange spv c550 or spv c600 ( takes a little time to unlock) i can go through with it with you. and your on a winner. The screen on the spv is really good and sharp. Might be a little small but the battery life and the smartphone options are good.
Used to have N70 and now have the N73.The N73 seems to perform better,newer interface with Tomtom 6 and dosent seem to lose the signal at all so go with the N73.
Nokia 6120 classic. S60v3

£99 from 3
£20 to get it unlocked if you don't like 3