Lethal Wiipon. PMSL

Imagine all those lovely nice big 50" plasma and LCD tv's with Wii remotes sticking out of them....Ouch?

Be careful when using.......lol. Or buy the gloves glaziers use?

These people have got to be incredibly thick. I get the feeling they are just unpacking the thing and switching it on. Not bothering about reading the instructions or checking the strap. If you tie the wrist strap properly and use a bit of common sense the thing isn't gonna fly out your hand.
These people have got to be incredibly thick. I get the feeling they are just unpacking the thing and switching it on. Not bothering about reading the instructions or checking the strap. If you tie the wrist strap properly and use a bit of common sense the thing isn't gonna fly out your hand.

True, but then you've still got a good chance of cracking your missus in the puss if she's not careful when your on the 18th tee needing only a par for a sub-par round.......lol.....;)
And I bet they are all having a laugh about it and be using the Wii again as soon as they are out of hospital.

Not only does the Wii appeal to the familly but also to hard as nails danger and thrill seakers, lol...
Yeah had a good chuckle at those today!ouch!
How carried away do you need to be to fling a reomte across a room to smash a window?!

i mean use a wii bit of common sense here.