LED sim help?

I've just mod a box to get BK using LED sim. Its 4001. Got IRD fine, and BK1 fine but when switched to bk2 nothing came up LED sim went blank. Can some one advice what has happend. I tested all soldering etc evey thing seem fine. But now LED sim comes on, its just dead.
Is LED sim gone dead or its not making contact to the sim slot? Can some one plz help.
Check your power supply to the box is ok and the sim is in place correctly, can you still get bk1 and ird on the led sim?
just checked soldering points and one of them had bad joint, solderd again and got BK and IRD. But while taking wires off/de-soldering, one of the tracks came up with wire, treid to re-solder that point. Whe turn box on it stays on PACE. I think in process of desoldering I've f**d box up.
Its in area 1 as stated in chartman's tutorial at the back of the box. Where blu wire is connecetd in th emiddle point. The cap has got writting on it as 221, reading by looking at board from the sim side.
I tried to insert picture but it only shows to my HDD, how can I insert picture?
I've attached picture as requested. Its blue wire connected at the middle point I've pu a tick next to the effected area. Its on accoring to tha page 4 on chartman's tutorial using led sim to retrieve BK and IRD.