Kids why did i have them?????


Premium Member
Premium Member
Dec 28, 2009
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In a Flat in Birminham, West Midlands
OK little rant so here goes.

My one daughter (twins that are sooooooo different its unreal) has been causing trouble over last few months and now i have had enough. She isn't a naughty kid really and i know there are worse out there but she is getting worse.

Over last few months she has been getting in to trouble with the teachers for using her phone in school and silly things like that and also being cheeky to her mom (we not together anymore but still have a strong/close relationship and back each other up). The other month her mom took her phone off her and and read through her texs and found out she had a couple of drinks at a party and wasn't happy to say the least. We let the kids drink a small amount of alcohol if were having a party but she was worried at how much she had been drinking. After a long chat we ironed out all the worries and concerns after hearing a few things her mom didnt want to hear but the air was cleared and everything has been ok for a month or so.

On Friday a teacher told her to put her blazer on as she was leaving school and walking home but she didn't as it was 27 degrees outside and i agree with her it was to hot to wear a blazer. She then had her phone taken off her as she was caught twice using it in school and they have been told that they are not allowed to use their phone at school at anytime and for her to get it back a parent would have to collect it. I spoke to her and the school concerning this and everything was sorted until this morning. I went to the school to collect the phone and my daughter asked if she could have it back, so i rang her mom to see her thoughts while i was on the phone she decided to snatch it off me and delete messages on the phone. She would not hand it over until i forced it out of her hands and dragged her outside to have a real go at her.

No i have told her she is not having her phone back at all as she has no respect and will now start suffering as i am now dishing out the punishment. Since getting home I have changed her passwords on facebook an her MSN account and also de-activated her facebook account. Don't think she will be happy when she finds out but i think its time she realized how much space she gets and she will get things back once she gets rid of the attitude. The next thing she will lose is her new paper round if she carries on.

Thanks feel better now :)

Question for ya to think about and reply to if ya want:

A child has a phone at school and the teacher takes it off them as its the schools policy for them not to be used. Could this be classed as robbery as its the child's property and they are not really allowing the teacher to have it they are taking it off them?

Now i have different thoughts on it but wondered what others thought.


I work in a school and no it's not classed as robbery. Perhaps it could be classed as 'robbery' when a student uses a phone in the class room thus taking disrupting the education of other students.

The thing that has to be remembered is that these are kids, not adults as many of them would like us to believe, and the staff within schools have a duty of care towards each and every student.
A child has a phone at school and the teacher takes it off them as its the schools policy for them not to be used. Could this be classed as robbery as its the child's property and they are not really allowing the teacher to have it they are taking it off them?

I'm not sure what the legal position is.(though it seems to be fairly normal for schools to confiscate mobiles used in schooltime.)

...either way, you need to back the school here, or you're just going to worsen the situation by validating her use of it, and her defiance of authority.
No it's not robbery, in the same way that if a child was caugh using heroin at school, would it be robbery if the teachers took it off them till a parent went to fetch it?

Did you never get cigarettes took off you at school?
The fact is that teachers aren't keeping the confiscated items. All students will be told either "you can have it back at the end of the school day" or "your parents can come and collect it when they have a minute".

As BustaGonad has said, what if the kid brings a knife to school. It's up to the teacher to 'steal' it or there's going to be trouble.
it's not robbery as that is not the intend of the taking of the phone - nevermind the fact no threats/violence were used in the confiscation.

i wouldn't remove the internet completely but put some restrictions onm time/usage (can be done via the router or on the device itself if it's windows 7 - just change the boot order and password the bios!)

sounds like you did the right thing about the drinking, they're always going to over step the mark - they're kids! there's never any right or wrong answer, every child is different and parents are different - it's a nightmare from start to finish. my girl is nearly 9, i've got a couple more years before the worries REALLY start :(
As a parent of 6 children my oldest nineteen and my oldest daughter 14, i can sympathise with you on the aggro you get from them. Luckily i have never had alcohol come into the equasion as yet but i have had to take the internet and phones away from them when needed. I usually make theyre lives a misery by playing bad cop and the misses then plays the good cop and sometimes the roles are reversed but rest assured taking tech away from the kids and making them part of the family in the real world is deffo the answer. The phrase "Big Brother" is often over used and perhaps people/parents should now start using the phrase "'Big Dad"/"Big Mum" or even "Big teacher" because these are the only ones that will get our children to give us "Big Respect".