Janet Street Porter 'attacks cameraman'


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Aug 29, 2001
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Janet Street Porter has apparently lashed out at a cameraman.

The 57-year-old is said to have had a clause written into her contract forbidding crew members from following her at close quarters for lengthy periods of time.

According to a report on The Paul O'Grady Show today, one unwitting cameraman made the mistake of doing just that and received an angry "whack" in return.

Footage of the incident, if true, will air on tonight's episode at 9.45pm.

one of her friends said u either love or hate her, how can u love such a loud, horse mouthed self centred, biatch with a massive false sense of importance!

sorry had a bit of a rant there but really dont like her!
Well I have to say - I don't like her too (infact I had a photo of her on my door to scare the trick or treaters away!), but I hope I have got that energy when I am 57!!