iPod jailbreak what do I get


Inactive User
Jun 11, 2005
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a pigsty
Hi all I have a iPod touch. I know not what model it's got two cameras silver on the back and says its 8gb. I've always stayed away from apple stuff, because I just never liked to follow the crowd etc. I have now been given this iPod touch for nowt because the speaker is but was wondering
Hi Mate you will find out what model ya ipod is from Here and if you do a restore in itunes" install itunes and plug your ipod in , restore , and let me know what FW version after, cheers
hi thanks biffo. It looks like i am jbreakin it anyhow because ive dloaded itunes and tried a restore now the touch is stuck with a usb sign. it wont boot and i keep getting error 14 message off itunes which means something about either usb wire im using or usb ports are knackered. Not that bothered because getting this error has made me firstly glad ive stayed away from ipods and secondly that the decision to jbreak has been taken for me not by me and if it ferks up then im in no worse a position

it looks like a touch 4th gen seeing as it has 2 cameras. thnks again for the link
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to get out of that screen mate plug ipod into itunes and hold down the power button and home button , u will get ya ipod saying its in recovery mode and try a restore again , if you can try it on another pc or another usb lead you should be ok
Ive tried re-installing via a new lead and my daughters laptop. firstly i got the error message about how i need the 64bit version of itunes, then after installing that i got the 3194 error message. did a lot of reading about the issue etc and couldnt figure out why i was getting this when my ipod hadnt been jbroken. Now Ive read that this might be another issue other than faulty operating system on the ipod, I read to check i had the latest itunes. Me being stupid thinking that when i dloaded 64 bit version that it would be the latest version or at least after it installed it would say update available. I ABSOLUTLEY DESPISE APPLE NOW. I just used to think they were bastards but now i know they are coonts at apple. common sense would say automaticly update itunes but not them lousey coonts. No common sense, just as much shit as they can put in your way to stop you tinkering with whats rightfully yours to tinker with. ferkers... when it updates i shall try again to reinstall the ipod and will get back to you with no doubt some other apple created bullshit. I ferkin hate them... I have a feeling it will soon be HAMMER TIME with this ipod, I have a claw and a lump one in the cellar i cant wait to use on the shitty thing.
Hey mate,

I would suggest you keep any hammers away from the device because once it works, it's very nice :p

Search "ipod touch DFU mode" and follow a tutorial to put your itouch in DFU mode, then plug it into your computer and run iTunes (providing you've got it installed properly). Restore and it will download a firmware file and flash it to your device. When it boots, run redsn0w https://sites.google.com/a/iphone-dev.com/files/home/redsn0w_win_0.9.10b1.zip to jailbreak (nothing else needed).
Got it working now I'm going to break the Ferkin thing as soon as. Cheers 4 the link. And cheers 4 the avatar
i get as far as exploiting liama or somthing like that and then my ipod seems to just start up as norm. can anyone help me. do i have to have itunes running or not? LIMERA 1N

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yes its working now. I am confused with it but im sure i will get used to it. all i wanted was a full satnav app on it im sure its out there somewhere.
no i havnt. is this in cydia somewhere? i can feel the confusion setting in.... breathe... breathe...panick attack avoided...
Hi mate, good to hear it's working! Sadly, i don't think the itouch has GPS (maybe it doesn't have A-GPS due to being Wifi only, not sure) but you can still get navigation software but don't expect it to work fully :( (never tried it so i could be wrong!)

Open up Cydia (if anything about choosing 3 options comes up, just choose hacker or user, don't worry about it), and press the Manage tab bottom right (2nd to last, just before the Search tab) and then click on Sources icon (middle option). Now press the edit button on the top right corner of the screen and press the "add" button on the top left and type in
and press add. Press ok or add at the next screen and wait till it loads up the repo. After that, you'll be back in the sources menu again, press the edit button again and add this one too

Now when that's finished adding (black screen with scrolling text), press the search tab bottom right, last option and search for

Click it from the search list and click the top right button which says install, and install it. Now you will have an app on your itouch which you can search for GPS apps or whatever and download them for free, without even leaving your itouch :) Let me know if you encounter any problems!
Thanks very much biffo, doomed and cool for all your help. I very much appreciate all you guys have done for me. the touch i have does have gps and i have got tomtomuk working on it now. I really cant express my gratitude to you guys and the all the developers etc enough. My faith in humanity is restored but as for my faith in apple.......... lol. cheers
Good to hear about the GPS mate, i was worried myself when i read about that. No problems at all, if you need any help, feel free to PM me as i don't venture down here very often! Good luck and enjoy your device! P.S iTunes will be a bitch to deal with :)
I never bother with itunes anyhow "if you have to pay, then just let it lay, thats what i say." pmsl... oh by the way again i stand corrected just for the record i dont have gps on it. me being the tw*t that i am.... i assumed that when things asked me to allow for my location that i had gps only to find out that when my wifi was switched off and i run the tomtom that it kept saying connect to gps... I know you can get a plugin kit etc for this but dont think i will bother... so it looks like i will be giving it to the kids to mess about with for games in the car etc and maybe translation apps etc for my hols... still very handy to have it done although the dloading of apps etc is a bit confusing im sure i will get into it.. thanks once again.