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Issues with OpenWebi on BH 0.1 image


DW Member +

I got an issue with logging on remotely to my receiver from my PC. I have flashed this new image and now it doesn't work. I have removed the plugin and reinstalled but still no joy? Is there some sort of setting I have adjust for it to work? i.e. within Networks tab?

Previous image was BH 2.1.5 which worked fine

I think majority user here are Vix image users. I'm going to have a play with the BH image tonight to see if I can fix it otherwise i'll flash the new Vix image. I think vix is a more user friendly image, what's peoples opinion who have used both?
Hi Guys

Just to update, I did a final check before I going to load new image. I removed Openwebif from my plugin rebooted installed it again and guess what it worked ;-) so all is good again. Thank you