Issue's loading ISO Wii games


Inactive User
Sep 30, 2009
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Hi all

I have just downloaded Karaoke Revolution Glee, Karaoke Revolution Glee 2 & Now Thats What I Call Music Dance and Sing 2011. I used WinRAR then imgburn to burn the disk. When I go to play the game using Neogamma Backup loader R7 IOS 249 Rev14, the games won't load.

I have some other games which I downloaded some time ago and they load fine using the same programme.

My Wii version is 3.3e and I’m using Neogamma Backup loader R7 IOS 249 Rev14.

Do I need to update my Wii and then install a new version of Neogamma?

Any help and advice would be appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.
my wii is on 4.3e and iam having trouble with now dance mate it goes as far as the loading screen for that game but thats it
ive got all the above games working fine on my 4.1e softmodded wii via disk. i just softmodded it via modmii and after that i installed darkcorp 1.1 ontop of it and all games now work fine via disk channel and usb
ive done mine with letterbomb can i install darkcorp ontop ???????
yes but darkcorp can be a little iffy ontop sometimes. but if i rember rightly didnt you say yesterday that youve got a new wii which wont be able to play back up disks unless you stripped the dvd drive down and replaced it from a older wii, so hdd is the only other thing you can do
Have a go at using IOS 250 latest revision. I am on 4.3e using USB Config and Now Thats What I Call Music Dance and Sing 2011 works fine on FAT formatted disk.
What is the best burn speed to use with imgburn ?
were do i get the iso 250 files ??????????

i was ios 250 m8.

when you use a usb loader you can choose which ios you want to use to load the game.

ios 250 is installed as part of the softmod.

i dunno how it works with backup disks right enough....
You get different revisions of the ios.

If you run mod mii, it will download the latest/recommended ones and you can install them. These are the ones that it pulled for me cIOS249[56]-d2x-v7-final cIOS250[57]-d2x-v7-final. I had to use 222 for my Config' usb loader until I installed these.
just changed to iso 250 and now the wii just frezzes starts to load usb loader and them black screen and controllers turn off ???