Israel kills Lebanese civilians


DW Member ++
Mar 26, 2005
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An Israeli air raid has killed at least 13 Lebanese civilians who were fleeing southern border areas.

Women and children were among those killed when the convoy was hit.

Israeli has expanded its campaign launched after Hezbollah militants seized two Israeli soldiers. More than 70 Lebanese have been killed.

Hezbollah has responded with rocket attacks. On Saturday, several rockets hit the town of Tiberias in the deepest such attack inside Israeli territory.

Three Israeli sailors are missing after their ship was hit by a Hezbollah missile on Friday. The body of a fourth was found, according to Israeli media.

The ship caught fire after it was hit by an Iranian-made missile, the Israeli military said.

Israeli jets have also fired rockets on the Lebanon-Syrian border.

"The air force is bombing roads and bridges on the border between Lebanon and Syria to prevent Hezbollah from taking our captured soldiers out of the country," an Israeli army spokeswoman said, quoted by the Agence France Presse news agency.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said the offensive will continue until Hezbollah releases the soldiers and stops firing rockets at Israel.

'Bodies litter road'

A number of families were fleeing their village of Marwahin on the Israeli border when their convoy was struck by missiles, a UN spokesman told the BBC.

A local resident told al-Jazeera TV the villagers were targeted after being ordered to leave Marwahin, and refused shelter by the UN forces.

"Their bodies litter the road", Akram Ghannam said.

UN spokesman Milos Struger said several vehicles were still on fire.

Correspondents say there is nowhere safe to go for many trying to flee the south.

In past hostilities much of the mainly Shia population of the south has sought refuge in the capital Beirut's largely Shia southern suburbs, but this time they are under attack too, the BBC's Jim Muir reports from Damour, south of Beirut.

On Saturday, Israeli warplanes also hit the southern suburbs, which are a Hezbollah stronghold.

Earlier, Hezbollah's al-Manar TV says three civilians were killed in an Israeli attack in Hermel, on the border with Syria.

They also carried out raids in the north and the north-east of the country for the first time on Saturday.

A number of bridges, petrol stations and key roads have also been hit, including the main road linking northern Lebanon to Syria.

Thousands of foreigners have fled Beirut, leaving its economy in tatters.

France has said it is ready to evacuate its thousands of nationals from Lebanon.

The presidents of the US and Russia have differed in emphasis in voicing concern about the Mid-East crisis at the G8 summit in St Petersburg.

George W Bush urged Lebanon's Hezbollah to disarm while Vladimir Putin called for a "balanced" use of force by Israel.

When will Israel STOP? They will end up killing thousands..
I agree. I dont know why israel kills innocent people. What do they get out of it?
Israel will carry on like this as long as George PLONKER Bush keeps patting their backs, and it wouldn't supprise me if Bush invades Syria or Iran as an excuse for all this.
aky said:
Israel will carry on like this as long as George PLONKER Bush keeps patting their backs, and it wouldn't supprise me if Bush invades Syria or Iran as an excuse for all this.

good post mate, i agree with you. this 'so-called war on terror' will kill millions of innocent people just so they can dominate the world and control the al lthe oil fields and minerals. i hate saying this but this is the start.

its always the innocent that pay the price for evil dictators!

isreal wont stop until it and the US control the middle east!

my thoughts n prayers go out to the people affected by these atrocities.

aky said:
Israel will carry on like this as long as George PLONKER Bush keeps patting their backs, and it wouldn't supprise me if Bush invades Syria or Iran as an excuse for all this.

I wouldn't put it pass him to do such a thing. Getting innocent people killed has become a habbit of his. This time he may well get Isreal to do his dirty work. Notice how he defended Isreal for its actions at the G8 summit.
the sickening thing is we all r sitting in the sun enjoying r lives with a beer in one hand and a lappy in the other why these animals r blowing they crap out of weaker country's , why cant these peep sit down a sort things out , there super rich war mungering power mad nutters . can u Imagen looking into the air now and seeing war planes dropping missiles .... we r so lucky .
I agree it's sickening to see the innocent people suffering so much but why do these countries ie: Palestine and Lebennon refuse to hand over the Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists instead of funding and harbouring them ? and why do Iran and Syria refuse to condem their attrocities and let the scumbags take refuge in their countries and also fund them ? sadly when these cowardly terrorist pieces of shit hide behind and live amongst innocent people this is what happens :( lets hope for the sake of all the innocent men, woman and children this ends sooner rather than later
Bronto said:
I agree it's sickening to see the innocent people suffering so much but why do these countries ie: Palestine and Lebennon refuse to hand over the Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists instead of funding and harbouring them ? and why do Iran and Syria refuse to condem their attrocities and let the scumbags take refuge in their countries and also fund them ? sadly when these cowardly terrorist pieces of shit hide behind and live amongst innocent people this is what happens :( lets hope for the sake of all the innocent men, woman and children this ends sooner rather than later

well the thing is, those which you call and are lead to believe are terrorists/militants maybe freedom fighters.......let me justify it.

israel prior to 1947 did not exist, full stop............ you had jews, muslims and christian people living there who were known as palestinians, all of a sudden due to a number of reason, ALL totallly unjustified the British who at that moment had a labour (who would have guessed?!?!?) government thorugh an indivdual called aurthur balfour who made a treaty called after him the balfour treaty decided to annex that land and thereby creating the biggest refuggee problem in world history and thereby creating israel at their let me say it in simple language the british helped the zionists through the use of force to kick people of the palestine land to create a smaller land where a zionist government can be established. ofcourse after this the obvious happens wheerby displaced, disenchanted, terrorised, vilified, oppressed, tyranised individuals/peoples resort to struggle and fight back......hence we have hamas, hizbollah etc etc

the very same thing as if i with my big friend come to your house and take it over and shove you and your family into the bathroom to live there for the rest of your will fight back with whatever you got , including yourself and if you were to die in doing that your kids and whoever will not foget and do the same to reclaim your house until they do... no matter what they have to do and no matter what they are called by those sitting outside your house passing commentary who incidentally are also my friends.................making any sense??

so now you tell me my brain washed bbc / cnn watching friend who are the terrorists and who are the freedom fighters?

by the way, the only justification indiviudals use to legitimise israel is by stating that the 'jews' (this is a problematic issue since sincere 'jews' do not believe in zionism and hence the zionist state of israel because they beleive the messiah will come and help them get back their land) had lived in that area donkeys years ago before ......boll***cks that is no justification for practising apartheid especially considering they (jews, christians and muslims) lived there before all together.

why should syria and iran condemn them, we should be condemining israel for being an illegal occupier and killing men , women and children on a continuos basis for the past 50 years!!

who cares for 3, YES THREE soldiers when israel have been killing innocent people on a simple ratio of 100 innocents to 1 so called terrorist!!

if you maybe open your eyes you would notice how educated people aware of the situation in that area remark, for example if you remember sometime last year when cherrie booth (blairs missus) said 'she could understand why suicide bombers resort to doing what they do!!' ofcourse she was shut up by pro zionist entities quick time.

honestly before making stupid uninformed opinions you should get to know the deeper situation and how it arose and stop regurgitating what you are told.
What you are saying is absolutely accurate NinjaXP, but just state your case please, abusing a mod or any other member of the forum is not going to do your argument any favours.
I agree with NinjaXP on most things, Israel are just as evil as America, they wouldnt do such things with American and other superpowers backing, G.Bush is such a faggot, he believes Israel are doing the right over 3 soldiers, Its obiously 100% wrong that there doing, So if a Palestianian family gets killed or kidnaped, They should get the right to Kill members of the Israel army and family. But for some reason the palestianians are called Terrorists for some reason and the Isreals are not..
narabdela said:
What you are saying is absolutely accurate NinjaXP, but just state your case please, abusing a mod or any other member of the forum is not going to do your argument any favours.

my apologies, i do not abuse anybody but after re-reading my lenthy staement it does indeed get a bit emotional towards the end.

I APOLOGISE BRONTO IF YOU TOOK OFFENCE, none was intended and was not personalised to you.....
nizzex said:
They should get the right to Kill members of the Israel army and family

No one has a right to kill anyone. That sort of warped thinking breeds terrorism.
narabdela said:
No one has a right to kill anyone. That sort of warped thinking breeds terrorism.

yes exactly but unfortunately it is what we are witnessing with double standards galore which is the point nizzex was making.
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NinjaXP said:
I APOLOGISE BRONTO IF YOU TOOK OFFENCE, none was intended and was not personalised to you.....
No offence taken and I tried to word my post as carefully as I could, I take on board what your saying about Israel not existing before 1947 and freedom fighters etc but no matter how you word it anyone who fires missiles indescriminatly into an occupied city and kills innocent people or someone who sends a young man/woman into a coffee shop or onto a bus crowded with school children with a bomb strapped to their body is a cowardly terrorist in my book not a freedom fighter ! and just to set it straight in my opinion the Isreals actions make them the same as the terrorists they want to bring to book, as I said in my first post I hope it ends sooner rather than later but I somehow doubt it :(
On a similar note

Hizbollah's response reveals months of planning
By Robert Fisk – The Independent July 16, 2006

Since almost all the missiles used to kill the civilians of Lebanon over the past four days were made in Seattle, Duluth and Miami in the United States, their use already suggests to millions of Lebanese that America is behind the bombardment of their country.

It will be called the massacre of Marwaheen. All the civilians killed by the Israelis had been ordered to abandon their homes in the border village by the Israelis themselves a few hours earlier. Leave, they were told by loudspeaker; and leave they did, 20 of them in a convoy of civilian cars. That's when the Israeli jets arrived to bomb them, killing 20 Lebanese, at least nine of them children. The local fire brigade could not put out the fires as they all burned alive in the inferno. Another "terrorist" target had been eliminated.

Yesterday, the Israelis even produced more "terrorist" targets - petrol stations in the Bekaa Valley all the way up to the frontier city of Hermel in northern Lebanon and another series of bridges on one of the few escape routes to Damascus, this time between Chtaura and the border village of Masnaa.

But who is really winning the war? Not Lebanon, you may say, with its more than 90 civilian dead and its infrastructure steadily destroyed in hundreds of Israeli air raids. But is Israel winning? Friday night's missile attack on an Israeli warship off the coast of Lebanon suggests otherwise. Four Israeli sailors were killed, two of them hurled into the sea when a tele-guided missile smashed into their Hetz-class gunboat just off Beirut at dusk. Those Lebanese who had endured the fire of Israeli gunboats on the coastal highway over many years were elated.

Only now, however, is a truer picture emerging of the battle for southern Lebanon and it is a fascinating, frightening tale. The original border crossing, the capture of the two soldiers and the killing of three others was planned, according to Hassan Nasrallah, the Hizbollah leader who escaped assassination by the Israelis on Friday evening, more than five months ago. And Friday's missile attack on the Israeli gunboat was not the last-minute inspiration of a Hizbollah member who just happened to see the warship.

It now appears clear that the Hizbollah leadership - Nasrallah used to be the organisation's military commander in southern Lebanon - thought carefully through the effects of their border crossing, relying on the cruelty of Israel's response to quell any criticism of their action within Lebanon. They were right in their planning. The Israeli retaliation was even crueller than some Hizbollah leaders imagined, and the Lebanese quickly silenced all criticism of the guerrilla movement.

Hizbollah had presumed the Israelis would cross into Lebanon after the capture of the two soldiers and they blew up the first Israeli Merkava tank when it was only 35 feet inside the country. All four Israeli crewmen were killed and the Israeli army moved no further forward. The long-range Iranian-made missiles which later exploded on Haifa had been preceded only a few weeks ago by a pilotless Hizbollah drone aircraft which surveyed northern Israel and then returned to land in eastern Lebanon after taking photographs during its flight. These pictures not only suggested a flight path for Hizbollah's rockets to Haifa; they also identified Israel's top-secret military air traffic control centre in Miron.

The next attack - concealed by Israel's censors - was directed at this facility. Codenamed "Apollo", Israeli military scientists work deep inside mountain caves and bunkers at Miron, guarded by watchtowers, guard-dogs and barbed wire, watching all air traffic moving in and out of Beirut, Damascus, Amman and other Arab cities. The mountain is surmounted by clusters of antennae which Hizbollah quickly identified as a military tracking centre. Before they fired rockets at Haifa, they therefore sent a cluster of missiles towards Miron. The caves are untouchable but the targeting of such a secret location by Hizbollah deeply shocked Israel's military planners. The "centre of world terror" - or whatever they imagine Lebanon to be - could not only breach their frontier and capture their soldiers but attack the nerve-centre of the Israeli northern military command.

Then came the Haifa missiles and the attack on the gunboat. It is now clear that this successful military operation - so contemptuous of their enemy were the Israelis that although their warship was equipped with cannon and a Vulcan machine gun, they didn't even provide the vessel with an anti-missile capability - was also planned months ago. Once the Hetz-class boats appeared, Hizbollah positioned a missile crew on the coast of west Beirut not far from Jnah, a crew trained over many weeks for just such an attack. It took less than 30 seconds for the Iranian-made missile to leave Beirut and hit the vessel square amidships, setting it on fire and killing the sailors.

Ironically, the Israelis themselves had invited journalists on an "embedded" trip with their navy only hours earlier - they were allowed to film the ships' guns firing on Lebanon - and the moment Hizbollah hit the warship on Friday, Hizbollah's television station, Al-Manar, began showing the "embedded" film. It was a slick piece of propaganda.

The Israelis were yesterday trumpeting the fact that the missile was made in Iran as proof of Iran's involvement in the Lebanon war. This was odd reasoning. Since almost all the missiles used to kill the civilians of Lebanon over the past four days were made in Seattle, Duluth and Miami in the United States, their use already suggests to millions of Lebanese that America is behind the bombardment of their country.
Bronto said:
no matter how you word it anyone who fires missiles indescriminatly into an occupied city and kills innocent people or someone who sends a young man/woman into a coffee shop or onto a bus crowded with school children with a bomb strapped to their body is a cowardly terrorist in my book not a freedom fighter ! and just to set it straight in my opinion the Isreals actions make them the same as the terrorists they want to bring to book, as I said in my first post I hope it ends sooner rather than later but I somehow doubt it :(

i take on board what your saying and i like yourself mate wish it would end sooner rather than later but approaching this whole situation from a historic approach , i cannot say i can empathise BUT i do have sympathy for them in their struggle to achieve equality armed with stones against an adversary supplied to the hilt by us and the US with media and ammunition and then to be vilified when they resort to the last ultimate act of suicide..............i persaonlly believe no matter what race, religion you are it is an innate thing that belongs to all of us as human beings and that is the sanctity of human life, only through our experiences do we negate that quality and even those suicide bombers know about this innate quality but they go contrary to that and still do it......what are they suffering to do that??

i only read and try to get a wide grasp of issues to make my own mind up but from people i speak to and hearing about a child being shot to young educated girls with no motive apart from witnessing their family killed and then becoming suicide bombers.......

anyway enough of this.....
english said:
Hizbollah's response reveals months of planning
By Robert Fisk – The Independent July 16, 2006

that Robert Fisk is a good journalist
nizzex said:
I agree with NinjaXP on most things, Israel are just as evil as America, they wouldnt do such things with American and other superpowers backing, G.Bush is such a faggot, he believes Israel are doing the right over 3 soldiers, Its obiously 100% wrong that there doing, So if a Palestianian family gets killed or kidnaped, They should get the right to Kill members of the Israel army and family. But for some reason the palestianians are called Terrorists for some reason and the Isreals are not..

It's known as moral equivelance (noam chomsky)

They kill civilians it's terrorism
We kill civilians it's collateral damage

Iran wants nuclear power thats against the non proliferation treaty
We want to replace Trident that is a nuclear deterrent.
ellie1998 said:
It's known as moral equivelance (noam chomsky)

They kill civilians it's terrorism
We kill civilians it's collateral damage

Iran wants nuclear power thats against the non proliferation treaty
We want to replace Trident that is a nuclear deterrent.
Dont uderstand..Into more understandle terms?
so whats the answer ? lets be honest there isnt one.its to late to kick a whole nation like israel out of the middle east and anywhere to where ? so to me the only way is to talk but then you have the palestine hizbollah who dont want to talk but just want israel out of the middle east (to where ?) its just not going to happen so untill everyone starts talking innocent people will die and you all know its true