Irc Chat


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
Right as it has been a long time since we had our chat feature around i have decided to give it a re-birth :)

in about 3 hours time after i have backed up our database etc i will add the mod to the site ok.

i will post a link in a little while !!
you are a real trooper for digital world country we all can agree on that my good friend :)

by the way i am making it right now as we speak should be able to test in about 20-30 mins :)
My college have blocked chat use lol..... so you will have to tell me how it goes :)


have fun ... i will remove the license infomation when i get back home l8er :)

so dont moan about it
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works fine for me...... altho there was only me in there, so i might as well talk to the missus...... same as talking to myself :)

thats what i was talking about ... when i get home i will register it ok m8y

me and lone gunman are in there ok :)

Ps you have to except the jirc applet to be able to chat, and i can tell you it is 100% safe no worries about shit with this we have been using it for years but just got it back ok all :)
there should be a few of us in there most of the time :)

so come on in (use the link a the top of the forums "IRC CHAT")
04.05 and nobody in there, everybody can't be asleep, some of us have to work at night, well, i do for a week every 3 weeks....
it gets busy at night time m8y

also i cant login now or i would my college blocks port 6667 :(
i keep getting sent to a microsoft page saying

We're sorry. The page you are viewing requires that you have a more recent version of the Microsoft Virtual Machine on your system. To obtain an updated version of the Microsoft Virtual Machine, please go to Windows Update.

then it sends me round in circles

just use the microsoft update ... and update everything m8

its allways good to have latest security pathces :)
i auto update, it seems to be downing 2 a day lol, but wont let me update the virtual thingy. i'll have to make do with the hub 14 hours a day lmao

that is the latest ie6 and service pack 1 .... it will include the newest virtual machine i am sure m8
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