iPhone Apps Iphoto error


Member ++
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Teesside UK
has anyone tried iphoto yet, ive tried downloading it from numerous places on install0us but everytime it downloads i get a failed error on installing, ?
Might be because it's only compatible with 5.1. I tried downloading and syncing with iTunes but it said it couldn't cause I wasn't on 5.1. I'm guessing your still on 5.0.1 and haven't update yet mate. Hopefully somebody will enable it to be synced with 5.0.1 soon enough
There is a workaround out alread mate do the following steps, going to try it myself after work today

Step 1: SSH into the jailbroken iOS device using a client such as FileZilla or CyberDuck. Alternatively, use the iFile file explorer from Cydia to gain quick on device access.

Step 2: Navigate to /System/Library/CoreServices and then scroll to the bottom and open the SystemVersion.plist with a text editor.

Step 3: The .plist file contains <string> tags at the bottom which holds the installed iOS version. Edit the string to read ‘5.1‘.

Step 4: Save the edited .plist file and exit. Respring the device, then open the App Store, search for ‘iPhoto’ and then download.

Step 5: Open up Cydia and search for ‘iPhoto501Fix‘. Install the fix as per any other Cydia package.

Step 6: Respring the device and then run iPhoto app. The application should scan the photo library without issue, providing full access to the application