Internet cafes


Inactive User
Feb 23, 2007
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I went into an internet cafe tonight and asked to sit at a desk which was two places away from the next person. The guy who owns the shop informs me that the desk I want has no mouse so I go and sit next to a girl who is fine as she doesn't try to look at my monitor or anything. Unfortunately she leaves after ten minutes.

Shortly afterwards two yanks come in and decide they are going to "share" the monitor next to me. I was annoyed at hearing this as I thought one of them would be squeezed in next to me and possibly be able to read my e-mails, but it turns out to be worse. She sits down and he is standing up behind her in full view of my monitor. He knew it was not on and even said something to her like "you can check your e-mails, I won't look" which sounded like it was meant more for me than for her.

I just got up and left and had to pay a minimum charge of a quid for about 20 minutes internet use. Such a little thing but so annoying.
F that, should have said look mate im trying to surf in peice take a set as I don't feel comfortable with you behind me, if you don't tell people they will get away with things like that. I usualy tell them the second they are in my way or im faced with a situation like you was, if not tell the owner of the shop.
I remember the time i was in NY at the easycafe. Trying to find a keyboard with all the keys on was hard enough. Is it that bad over there that the @ key is a prized posession?
pc's are so cheap these days just to get a few year old one would not cost a lot...just to get on the net and such stuff