"Insertable" Heart Monitor.


Inactive User
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
Black Country
Got to have a heart monitor inserted into my chest next week, any body here had one, because i know basically nowt about the procedure just what it says on letter (no food etc)
Bloody consultant has had me on a 24hr, 48hr one and a month long one wired up all the time, then he realized the tablets i was put on are the worst thing for me and so took me off them and thanks to that cock up im having it inserted.
Only been on the tablets 12months and ive seen him 3 times with the box of them to show him lol.
Sorry mate, don't know anything about them but I hope it goes well for you. If you ask one of the admins on here they'll change your username to Tony Stark for you :)
cheers folks, Tony Stark pmsl now that would be fun if the suit and bank balance came with it.

Just read this part.
Wireless communication equipment includes cordless or mobile telephones, pagers, personal digital assistants (PDAs) or other hand-held computers, Wi-Fi-enabled laptop computers, and Bluetooth devices. These may temporarily interact with your Reveal Insertable Cardiac Monitor and affect data collection.

bloody hell my house is full of this lot, i wonder if my wifi range will improve with me in the house lol
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