Ide Interface Details...


Inactive User
Aug 11, 2005
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to prevent another ban ;-) am I allowed to post the Details for the upcoming IDE Interface ..?

It will inlcude details for the amount of money they are etc and translation of the German Order Interface and Links ...
pt-1 said:

to prevent another ban ;-) am I allowed to post the Details for the upcoming IDE Interface ..?

It will inlcude details for the amount of money they are etc and translation of the German Order Interface and Links ...

pt-1 as long as it dont break the rules m8

your safe as houses no probs

as long as no forum links and trading etc etc

go ahead m8

sounds interesting lol

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It seems that the IDE Interface will be there for you guys to purchase from the 01.08.2006.

Gurgel ( = IFA Creator ) ordered 250 circuit boards for Sagem, Philips and Nokia.

Due new electronic handeling laws here and here he will sell them as a Kit.
You might need to solder on the 40 Pin IDE port or a Status LED.

The Price will be around €50 for the actual Interface and I assume around €10 for shipping ( ~ £42 )

You will be able to connect straight away a 2.5" HDD without any extra Power supply and a 3.5" with the aide of an extra external Power supply ( not included as far as I am aware)

The Kit should also come with a mounting bracket for the HDD but this still needs to be confirmed.

The First Images to include the HDD Interface Drivers are going to be the JackTheGrabber Images as the creator of these helped with the development of the Drivers.

Later on the IDE Drivers etc. Hardware and Software for the CPU will be GPL and can be freely accessed via the CVS.

There might be other people than at a later stage (Multicam manufacturers ) who will flood the market with cheaper solutions but the initial sale will go trough Gurgel as he has the finacial risk as a single person.

He will accept Paypal for Payments and he will ship to the UK

To get registered to buy:

You then get an answer email:

Bitte klicken Sie auf den folgenden Link um den Bestellvorgang fortzusetzen.

It ask's you to click on the attached Link

This opens a new Site: (weiter means next)

Anrede -> Title (Herr=Mister,Frau=Mrs)
Name -> Last name
Vorname -> First name
Strasse -> Street Hausnr: -> Number
PLZ -> Postcode
Wohnort -> Town
Land -> Country (Grossbritanien)
Telefon -> 0044

You are then asked to choose a log in name
You then enter a password twice

You can then click on the Hyperlink to start the order and choose the

Wählen Sie die Auftragsart: The IDE Interface for your Boxtype

Zahlungsart : I would suggest Bar (Geld im Paket)

And then in Bemerkung at the bottom write him that you want to pay via Paypal.

He might sort this out on a later stage
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Great! He suggests to transfer the money via bank transfer but you mention PayPal. Will he allow payments via PayPal in the future or will we just use bank transfer for now?
Cheers for the info btw :Clap:
Does anyone read what I write ...

And then in Bemerkung at the bottom write him that you want to pay via Paypal.

He might sort this out on a later stage
pt-1 thanks for sharing m8

will be interested in finding out more into this though

maybe i will wait and see from someone else who does buy and use it

also maybe some sreenshots as well

roll on the 01.08.2006

thanks pt-1 once again
its a shame we have to wiat till the grabber image uses it before we get it in the cvs LOL .

thanks one agian pt-1 for another very important post and you are the INFOMAN who can :Clap: :banana: :Cheers:
just to let you guys know there is pictures on the site now..

Sounds like a one way ticket to a fried dbox for me lol!
He has now updated his site

When you order you will receive:

1x IDE interface
1x Power supply externla for 3,5" HDD (2,5" can be powered internally)
1x HDD Holder that fit's 3,5" or 2,5"
1x IDE Cable
1x Cable to the modem connector (internal Multicam will no longer work !!)
1x InstallationCD

Technical Facts:
Data Transfer rate around 3MBytes/s (Network Port ~ 0.8MBytes/s)
Max. HDD Size 500GB
that is hot mate can't wait really....

thanks for the transalations pt1...

you have always helped uk scene... cheers
correct me if i'm wrong but isn't the multicam the card reader in the box??

we don't use that..... so what do we loose?? i thought we use emus
Multicam is for the 2nd Cardslot in the Dbox for example Sly or some other card and then you can cardshare etc...

External Multicam still works

IDE Interface has around 3MByte transfer rate where the above Ebay link is not a NAS Interface so only ftp or samba share is possible and then with a maximum of the Dbox 10 MBit interface ( ~0.8 MByte/s ) so if you get a station with a higher resolution ....

IDE Interface will be 100% supported and any external Solution is just an external solution...

Unless Speedy releases his "own" drivers for above drive .....
I've ordered one, just hope the required soldering is easy.
Just an Info for the guys who ordered the Ide interface

The supplier for the IDE HDD Holders has still not delivered to Gurgel.

He has the boards ready and waiting to ship but got delayed trough this

Please be patient