I need an idiots guide


Inactive User
Dec 12, 2008
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Could anyone plz direct me to an idiots guide explaining the directories, the sub-directories, the files in these sub-directories and the purposes of these files.
I appreciate that this may be a tall order but any assistance would be gratefully received.: thanks :
Yep- no problem! They all comprise of the Linux Neutrino, (or Linux Enigma), Operating System for your dBox2 or Dreambox.

This effectively transforms your box into a mini computer, capable of Multi-Media Digital audio visual stuff, TV and Radio etc. Some files are added by the compilers in the UK, to enrich the user experience in terms of user-friendly GUI Menus and so on.

The easiest way to study the folder / subfolders / files structure is to wait until there's nowt worth watching on telly (doesn't take long, normally), then connect to the dbox via FTP and navigate around. Alternatively, many images come with Tuxbox Commander - which enables a similar tour via the remote control, without leaving your armchair!

If there's any particular folders / files you're asking about in a roundabout sort of way, don't hesitate to be more specific. As it's much easier to explain one or two specifically, rather than hundreds (if not thousands) in general...

Cheers- AL :)
Cheers m8

I really apperciate the advice, i am conversant with directory and file systems and have already FTP'ed into the DBox and had a look. However what i actually require is guide to explain the purpose of each of the files included in the directory structure. This is so i am familiar with which file actually does what. I hope this reply is more succinct.

Again many thanx
Cheers m8

I really apperciate the advice, i am conversant with directory and file systems and have already FTP'ed into the DBox and had a look. However what i actually require is guide to explain the purpose of each of the files included in the directory structure. This is so i am familiar with which file actually does what. I hope this reply is more succinct.

Again many thanx

/sbin - This directory contains all the binaries that are essential to the
working of the system.

/bin - In contrast to /sbin, the bin directory contains several useful
commands that are used by both the system administrator as well as
non-privileged users.

/dev - This is a directory that highlights one important
characteristic of the Linux filesystem - everything is a file or a

/etc - This directory contains all the configuration files for your system including start up scripts

/lib - This contains all the shared libraries that are required by system
programs. Windows equivalent to a shared library would be a DLL file.

/mnt - This is a generic mount point under which you mount your filesystems
or devices.

/proc - The Proc psuedo file system is a real time, memory resident file system
that tracks the processes running on your machine and the state of your

/root - This one is the home directory of the user root. This is not to be confused with the system root, which is directory at the highest level in the filesystem.

/tmp - This directory contains mostly files that are required temporarily.
This directory is cleared out at boot or at shutdown.

/var contains data that is changed when the system is running normally.

The Linux filesystem explained

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