i need a original image backup with working epg


Inactive User
Sep 5, 2009
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hi guys i just cannot fix the open pli epg problems now box keeps crashing and stuck on boot loop.
i need to re flash looked at downloads section but could not find a recent a8p or original backup image.
could one of you please if you have a copy of any image that has a working epg and timeshift and cccam send me a copy.

thanx in advance
hi guys i just cannot fix the open pli epg problems now box keeps crashing and stuck on boot loop.
i need to re flash looked at downloads section but could not find a recent a8p or original backup image.
could one of you please if you have a copy of any image that has a working epg and timeshift and cccam send me a copy.

thanx in advance

Hi mate I also had problems with cross epg running openpli..I flashed a few pli images and Result was the same.I think they have a rouge ipk or a bug in the feeds.
Was using a different box to you and I ended up using Vix image instead....
what crossepg are you using ?

download the one from plugins menu :)
been using it for a while works for me
If you are using a basic image with virtually nothing on it, CrossEPG will not work for you, until you install the required libcurl files.

The best way to check if they are installed or not is if you go into the CrossEPG setup and select "About Database". If that is blank then you don't have the libcurl files installed. If you see info about the database then it should work ok with the CrossEPG installed via Software management option

Pretty easy to sort out if this is your problem
How can someone make a backup in .nfi, is there a program needed?
database empty the epg fix ipk provided does not work and cant find epg on plugins i have epg 0.8.1.
the IPK I posted are the libcurl files needed :)

install ipk ftp to tmp then install via box menu
thanx guys really appreciate the help however still nothing. i have ftp'd the ipk to tmp installed it and database still empty and epg not downloading.
Open a telnet session to your box


opkg update /cut/

then once that has done type:

opkg install libcurl4

Once complete see if CrossEPG has a database. If it has you should be able to download ok
no all perfect followed instructions above thanx all working now.
sorry mate I thought you would of known how to install IPK files being as you are using a PLI bare image and not a backup

:) glad your sorted now :)
my first time but hey better late than never i guess. thanx guys
the fix not working for me.

Install ipk fix then reboot receiver before installing cross epg.once cross epg is installed reboot again..
On restart set up your epg.