I ban the person above me because

I'd ban Hacker999 because he never ate his dinner today
i'll ban Napster to give somone else a chance to ban me
Dutcho said:
I ban Digidue coz I enjoy banging him err I mean banning.

I ban Dutcho because the princess in your avatar needs a rest! She's been getting done-in for ages now!
i would ban devilfish, because i have just got up and still grumpy
i would ban devilfish, 1 because in awake now, 2 i dont care about big brother so your out of here.
id ban napster for not caring about big brother, its real telly, not like eastenders, bunch of fakes that they all are, its not even their real names, id ban all them too lol
i ban digidude for actually believing that eastenders isn't real, of course it is real, they are humans ain't they.
I ban highlander for thinking that den is realy dead.
I'd ban every single one of you for thinking Eastenders is better than anything! It's the worst program in the world!

Then I'd ban BBC from ever showing it again lol!
I'd ban Devilfish for not being able to tell the difference between a programme and a program. :)
I'd ban Hamba for banning far too many people the guy has gone power crazy :banana: