How SLOW is your 10mb Internet Connection

Heres my results from my 10mb connection

From Dublin

From Maidenhead

I havent used newsgroups yet so cant wait to see the speed when i try.
I'm only getting 2meg now. Got 10meg yesterday.
Tried changing macs etc. Tried newsgroups and still 2 meg.
I also read that Bolton has got the 20meg upgrade tonight, but mines gone slower lol
Must be traffic shaping as it's peak time. Will try again tomorrow.

i am on 2meg and mine is running crap been like i for a few days now i know some one on adsl 1 meg gets fasters speeds then me lol
im not sure if ntl are changeing there config files ive been useing a 2mb config and its giving me 4 mb in evening but if i use the 10mb config files i only get between 1mb and 2.6mb can anyone shed any light on this
I'm in an ex-TW area and presently on the 20Meg config.

Most of the time I can get the full 20Meg from any of the blueyonder servers (ie TW sites within the TW network) which implies that the actual TW network is working fine.

Going outside of the TW network usually results in most sites giving no more than 10Meg or so. Exceptions are the big download sites like Microsoft which seem to be able to give 15-18Meg (although this can go down to 5Meg at busy times)

From these results it seems that its either the internet itself thats crawling and unable to sustain very high speed data throughput or the TW gateways onto the internet.

I've never found any SpeedTest site yet that can sustain 20Meg or gives an even near accurate display of real line speed so I just ignore their results completely. Best way of checking speed i've found is to download a large file from your cc's FTP server or maybe multiple streams from their News-server and measure the speed yourself.