How SLOW is your 10mb Internet Connection


Inactive User
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
I remember the days when 10mb was 10mb, I can't believe the performance i get with Virgin, its shocking!!!!!!!

Can anyone beat this????? :FRIGHT:

Im on 4mb and look what i get:


Faster than you lot on 10mb !
its seems the dublin server is pretty quick, much faster than maidenhead and london anyway

and paris is quicker than dublin
its a little better on the server in Paris, but it should be much faster than this

Dublin is even better, but I'm still disapointed!!

I remember the days when 10mb was 10mb, I can't believe the performance i get with Virgin, its shocking!!!!!!!

Can anyone beat this????? :FRIGHT:

these speed tests are not reliable. to get a true reading, download from newsgroups. that will tell you how fast your connection is
i dont trust these speed tests.i download from newsgroups and hit 1200kbs constant on my 10mb
You've reminded me I need to get some sort of sub going to usenet since I've been used to my ISP providing a basic news service. Now that I'm on Be* I'm newsless so I'm looking at either Giganews or Newsdemon, which one are you connected to?

go for giganews, i have never had a problem with it. full speed constantly.

that server is free, but it doesnt hold very many of the groups. seems to be the same as virgin media newsgroups. absolute pants in other words.
cheers cur1y/deedie :)

I think 12 quid a month is doable for giganews now that I've stopped drinking during the week!
i think the free news servers only have a 3 day retention period unlke 45 days for a paid server.
im sure virgin are clamping down on peek times and are giving limits also if your using a newsgroup in the settings us 8 connections not 1 you will run at max thats possible for your bandwith
im in portsmouth

im in portsmouth and only gettin the 10mb between 3and 7 in morning apart from that during day its around 4 mb and at night its 600kbs phoned virgin and they said they wasnt aware of a problem and wants to send an engineer out but cant see that sloveing prob and and even get a slow speed on a cloned one slightly higher than my subbed one tho