How can anyone take The Daily Mail seriously?


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Monday 3 October 2011

Daily Mail watched Knox guilty verdict in alternate universe, insists Daily Mail


The Daily Mail is insisting that it published family reactions and prosecutor quotes to an Amanda Knox verdict that was never delivered due to a brief trip to an alternate universe.

The Mail briefly published a story claiming that the appeal of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito had failed, including detailed reactions of those in court.

Daily Mail reporter Nick Pisa told us, “It definitely happened, I saw it with my own eyes. There’s was a flash of light and then Amanda Knox was crying, before being taken back to prison – and all the prosecutors were celebrating.”

“I took copious notes and then there was another flash of light.”

“I filed my copy quickly like any good reporter, only to find out that in this universe she was found not guilty. I’m as shocked as anyone.”

Mail reports Knox is guilty

Media analysts have suggested that this latest incident points to to the fact that the universe is clearly ganging up on the Daily Mail.

However one analyst disagreed, telling us, “This is not the first time we’ve had to assume someone at the Daily Mail doesn’t have their feet planted firmly in reality.”

A Daily Mail spokesperson concluded, “Of course our reporter briefly visited an alternative universe, why would anyone think different?”

“The alternative explanation is that we completely made up a story that we thought might happen, made up some quotes for it, and then completely fabricated the reactions of her family. I know which is more believable.”

I think, therefore I am (not a Daily Mail reader)

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and from The Guardian Greenslade Blog:

The Mail was not the only British news outlet to make the error. The Sun and Sky News did it too and yes - hands up here - so did The Guardian in its live blog.

It would appear that a false translation of the judge's summing up caused the problem, leading to papers jumping the gun.

So why has the Mail suffered the greatest flak? In time-honoured fashion, echoing the hot metal days of Fleet Street, it prepared a story lest the verdict go the other way.

But it over-egged the pudding by inventing "colour" that purported to reveal Knox's reaction along with the responses of people in the court room.

It even included quotes from prosecutors that were, self-evidently, totally fake.

In other words, by publishing its standby story, the Mail exposed itself as guilty of fabrication.

Here's some of the invented colour writing:

"As Knox realised the enormity of what judge Hellman was saying she sank into her chair sobbing uncontrollably while her family and friends hugged each other in tears.

A few feet away Meredith's mother Arline, her sister Stephanie and brother Lyle, who had flown in especially for the verdict remained expressionless, staring straight ahead, glancing over just once at the distraught Knox family.

Prosecutors were delighted with the verdict and said that 'justice has been done' although they said on a 'human factor it was sad two young people would be spending years in jail'".

The fiction got better and better. Sorry, I mean worse and worse ...

"Following the verdict Knox and [Raphael] Sollecito were taken out of court escorted by prison guards and into a waiting van which took her back to her cell at Capanne jail near Perugia and him to Terni jail, 60 miles away.

Both will be put on a suicide watch for the next few days as psychological assessments are made on each of them but this is usual practice for long term prisoners."
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It even included quotes from prosecutors that were, self-evidently, totally fake.

In other words, by publishing its standby story, the Mail exposed itself as guilty of fabrication.

Here's some of the invented colour writing:

"As Knox realised the enormity of what judge Hellman was saying she sank into her chair sobbing uncontrollably while her family and friends hugged each other in tears.

A few feet away Meredith's mother Arline, her sister Stephanie and brother Lyle, who had flown in especially for the verdict remained expressionless, staring straight ahead, glancing over just once at the distraught Knox family.

Prosecutors were delighted with the verdict and said that 'justice has been done' although they said on a 'human factor it was sad two young people would be spending years in jail'".

The fiction got better and better. Sorry, I mean worse and worse ...

"Following the verdict Knox and [Raphael] Sollecito were taken out of court escorted by prison guards and into a waiting van which took her back to her cell at Capanne jail near Perugia and him to Terni jail, 60 miles away.

Both will be put on a suicide watch for the next few days as psychological assessments are made on each of them but this is usual practice for long term prisoners."

Says it all really.

Anyone who believes what they read in that rag needs their head examined.
I don't read papers full stop, they're all full of crap. ;)

I read the sun

well, when I say read i mean I look at page 3 and all the other sparkly colour pictures of celebrities and deidre's photo casebook :proud:
I watched the verdict live on Sky, they got it all wrong to start with as well, flashed across screen "Amanda Knox appeal failed" lol
I watched the verdict live on Sky, they got it all wrong to start with as well, flashed across screen "Amanda Knox appeal failed" lol

Sure a lot got it wrong, as Roy Greenslade points out in his Guardian blog, but it's all the extra stuff, The Mail made up, that is so damning.
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Plenty of tartes to look at online for free James. ;)

lol true but when your sitting at work in the staff canteen its far more socially acceptable to pretend your reading something on page two than browsing youporn from your phone lol.
Not 100% but does Piers Morgan have anything to do with that paper ???

speaks volumes.

As said all papers will push propaganda!!!

There own of course.

I watched it live on sky News.

I was heading to the toilet for a piss, as I walked out the door Sky News announced that her appeal had failed but by the time I returned everyone was celebrating her released. :err:

I can only assume that there was a mix up in the translation and Sky got it wrong.
The newspapers will have both sides of the story written up in preparation normally. This way they don't have too rush to the the story out. Some minor changes are needed of course. Example, a footballl final.
However bad the rags are, it’s a shame they weren’t right the first time. Knox should rot in jail. Guilty, guilty, guilty, pure evil !!!!!

Too many points to mention why I think she's guilty (not saying she was the one who slit Meredith’s throat but she was involved and in my eyes most likely the orchestrator.

Hope she has a life of missery evil b17ch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have not followed the Knox story so I cannot pass any judgement to whether she committed the crime or not. However it would appear the Italians cocked up any evidence they had against her, so if she is guilty, the family of the murdered girl should be looking at the Italian police force and forensic dept for answers.