HELP - Hayfever !!!


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VIP Member
Apr 12, 2007
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Woke up this morning sneezing, tickly throat, eyes red and watering so went to shops for some hayfever tabs which had Loritadine in.

Anyway 1 1/2 layer and still exactly the same !!! Is there anything else i can try ? Sneezing like mad and nose like a tap....

Is it safe to take another or different brand ?

They come in packs of 14 don't they?

So have you taken about 10 pills? :err:

Best to read the label mate incase you overdose, lol

I find Cetrizine works best for me, I don't get good results from loritadine.
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They come in packs of 14 don't they?

So have you taken about 10 pills? :err:

Best to read the label mate incase you overdose, lol

I find Cetrizine works best for me, I don't get good results from loritadine.

Seconded, I have had hayfever since a child and Citirizine based tabs work the best for me although they only ease it.

I also find that starting a nasal spray around March also desensitises my nose.

Lol. Only now just read my post. Meant to say 1 1/2 later and no effect...

Anyway took some Citrazine and a bit better but not much. Never suffered this bad before ??

Going to get some Sudafed nose blaster stuff.
wife and lad have hay fever. Forget what medicine they take

But I recommend getting those air purifiers. I bought two, cost about £70 each but made a massive difference. It is left on all night and they sleep soundly. Without it, they struggle. Summer time, when its worse, leave it on in the lounge as well.

Being so early, is your hayfever related to the tree's one?
My missus swears by Piriteze (Cetirizine based), she reckons that's the only thing that works for her. I normally hide the tablets to make the bitch suffer:thumbsup::banana::thumbsup:
it aint started properly yet

there is a virus going around causing head aches / tiredness / runny nose

very unlikely your getting it full blown until mid april
Lol. Only now just read my post. Meant to say 1 1/2 later and no effect...

Anyway took some Citrazine and a bit better but not much. Never suffered this bad before ??

Going to get some Sudafed nose blaster stuff.

go to doctors mate and can prescribe stronger gear if o/t/c stuff dont work....

different drugs groups, stronger gear is prescription only.
My wee fella had to have his first dose of Clarytin(?) today, because he's been struggling the last couple of days. Poor little sod, he's only four (nearly).
wife and lad have hay fever. Forget what medicine they take

But I recommend getting those air purifiers. I bought two, cost about £70 each but made a massive difference. It is left on all night and they sleep soundly. Without it, they struggle. Summer time, when its worse, leave it on in the lounge as well.

Being so early, is your hayfever related to the tree's one?

Where did you get Purifiers from mate ? Also must be due to tree pollen as i don't get it much in the summer ?

Will goto Docs if carrys on as only Citraz stuff had effect and that just eased it a bit.
They use Piriton in our House, either Liquid or Tablets.
My Mom suffers 12mths a year with it,s shes allergic to the damp/mold in winters and hayfever in summer.
poor dear has constant runny snotter and ichy eyes
iv'e been a really bad sufferer of hayfever since i was 5 and believe me i have had every type of medicine available from tablets, nasal sprays, eye drops,courses of injections to hydrocortizone injections (steroids for arthritis)

the hydrocortizone injections (steroids for arthritis) called Kenalog is brilliant and i mean play golf and football on grass in the summer only have one in april (when the pollen count starts to rise) and one in july (to see you through the rest of the summer...this is given into the gluteas maximus, (your arse) and i promise you this will work...

some doctors refuse to give these (because of the price) and they claim they weaken your bones over the years...(anyone who has bad hayfever would gladly sit in a wheelchair when theyr'e in their 70's rather than suffer hayfever now) but don't let them phase you as it's your body and your choice..i've been taking them since i was 14 i'm now 39 and i'm fine...

if the injection isn't an option go and get the cetrizine tablets and a beconaze nasal spray take one cetrizine and two puffs in the morning(in each nostril) of the beconaze nasal spray is a steroid, and only works if you start to take it NOW (april) while the pollen count is mild, (as it needs to get into your system and build up it's defence,as it's not an injection going straight into your blood stream) and continue taking it throughout the summer..this will definately ease it although i would reccomend you get eye drops as well as the spray can give you dry eyes, (not everyone gets it though) keep the spray with you but dont over do it....

through the summer keep the windows and doors closed,and because hayfever reacts to heat, use air con (if possible) or a fan..keep the freezer full of ice pops and lolly ices (i freeze carton drinks as they last longer) and hold a piece of ice on your tongue in your mouth,as this brings your temperature down and really does ease it.
wear sunglasses outside (to reduce the pollen from getting directly into your eyes,)
and drive with the windows shut and air con on (if possible)

hope this helps mate.....i know what you're going through.....oh and don't rub your eyes...this only aggrevates it more...even though rubbing your eyes is better than sex sometimes..........

don't forget to leave good rep if i've helped in any way