Hells kitchen


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
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LMAO that chef fella told a bald guy to go and get a hair cut lmao

top man that guy dont take no shit they are eating for free lol
LMAO that chef fella told a bald guy to go and get a hair cut lmao

top man that guy dont take no shit they are eating for free lol
Pmsl just watched that cheeky fooker. Bald and hungry lol
Marco Peirre White, is who made Gordon Ramsay the man he is now!

Ramsay is a Kitten compared to White....lol
going to be crap without jim davidson.. he made the show lol, yeah he was a moody old fart but he had wit and always stured up the trouble lol

for me that brian is a fooking waiste of space i mean he cried more than the girls he is a walking meltdown regardless if he was gay or not


when you watch someone like jim why should he be made out the nasty old git he is older and not used to the way that life is now and to be honest is it any better... i dont think so!

lmao will be boring as fook now!

gay brian running round like a pixie the two girls singing in harmony and barry making mash ???... PAUL WHO i just found out theres a guy there called paul lol
true m8 ,

funny u can shot a dear but u cant say shirt lifter lol .. wot a fooked u country we r in
if brian was running around saying im a shirt lifter in good old Good As You fun it would be alright but because jim said it there is a problem lol

and i agree shoot a dear in the wildlife and thats alright say the word shirtlifter and your chucked off the show

farce lol
lm not gay but the guy l was in bed with last night was and he said he wasnt fussed
Davidson exits after TV gay row

Comedian Jim Davidson has left ITV1's Hell's Kitchen after making what the channel called "unacceptable remarks".
His departure from the cookery reality show followed a row in which he used a gay epithet in the presence of fellow contestant Brian Dowling

its funny (not the ha ha way) how things change ie look at tv, it seems month by month you are aloud to say/do less and less, look at tv in the 1960,70,80,90, a now and see how much it has changed and not all for the good. tv in five years time will make now look like the 1960s its changing so quick.

sorry to go of subject a bit.
I really cant get into this show.. i like cooking program's but its not that good i dont think