Gutted, 38 years old..

Hope you come good Cliffy, I'm 62 and never thought that young 'uns like you could suffer like this. If you could bear with me, I'd like to share a true story with you and anyone who cares to read this.
I smoked cigarettes from when I was 16 'til 27, when i was smoking 40 rollies a day and 60 - 80 on a weekend, but had the willpower to kick the habit.
I used to go out drinking with all my mates on a weekend and they were always trying to make me smoke ciggies. Anyway, one night my mate Malcolm said to me, " If you were offered a million Quid, would you smoke one ciggarette". I said no and everyone laughed and didn't believe me. So I said back to Malcolm, say you won a million pounds on the lottery and then found you had a disease that was going to kill you. If you found that you could be cured for a million pounds, what would you do? He said the obvious, that he would pay the million to be cured. The bottom line is m8 that NOTHING is more important than your health, so take care, get well and live healthy.
makes most other stuff trivial. best of luck mate hope it all comes good .
Sorry for late reply cliffy, I was away for 3 days there.

Hope you have a full and speedy recovery m8.
sorry to hear your news cliffy m8.... hope all goes well.

My dad had a stroke a few years back m8... same as you, he lost the use of one side..
Had to go physio for a couple of months and he's fine now! He was 68 at the time....

try to stay positive m8... you'll get there!!!

sorry for missing this cliffy hope you make a full recovery take it easy all the best m8
Hi mate - Missed the thread before!! Hope you make a speedy recovery!! You know where I am if you need anything - give us a bell!!
sorry for missing this cliffy hope you make a full recovery take it easy all the best m8

Same here pal just seen it sorry.

Chances are you will make a full recovery and as an eternal optimist I would suggest things could of been a lot lot worse my friend.

Best wishes mate.
Only just seen this myself, sorry to hear that Cliffy, must've been a real shocker. Hope things improve quickly for you.

My Mum had a couple of them in her mid forties, and although the second one did more damage than the first, she made a decent recovery and carried on running the family business, and lived for another 30 years. (Cancer got her in the end, last year)

I was the only one at home with her when she had the second one, I was only a kid and it was scary as feck. I rang the old biddy up the road 'cos I didn't know wtf to do. Only time I was pleased to see the old woman!

Best of luck mate, thoughts with you and your family.