Guide On How To Fix Tuner

hi guys, its been a while since ive been on.
Im looking for the guide on how to fix the Tuner, i know theres a guide somewhere. i cant seem to find it, if anyone has got it can you please upload it.
got 3 boxes with faulty tuners, already removed the modem but no joy. soldering iron, braid n pump all ready! just need the guide now.
mgb said:
I never saw any guide for sagem tuners.

Damn, im buggerd then :(

shoulda saved that guide. isnt the nokia n sagem tuners the same?

i thought they where.

i guess ill have to sell the boxes for spares.

thanks MGB
you could try this first
Credit to kampanita for the following.
Delete ucode.bin file and rename the 001a u-code file to ucode.bin.
Upload it.
CHMOD 755=in flash xp once transferred right click ucode file and change the attributes).
if u have sagem box and running the Sportster image then set the following in misc setting
hw section ON
avia watchdog OFF
eNx watchdog ON
Then reboot.
last resort reflow the tuner joints.
Hope this helps
elite786 said:
hi guys, its been a while since ive been on.
Im looking for the guide on how to fix the Tuner, i know theres a guide somewhere. i cant seem to find it, if anyone has got it can you please upload it.
got 3 boxes with faulty tuners, already removed the modem but no joy. soldering iron, braid n pump all ready! just need the guide now.

As elite786 has not given us much information except to say faulty tuners
i thought it would might help to post the above info incase any of them had a bad sticking or freezing problem.
If this has all been tried and they are faulty tuners,
the only thing i can remeber seeing on another forum was something about
a small black chip inside the tuner...but i think that was for a nokia anyway.
i have searched the other forum but cant find it i will look again and post my findings .
mgb said:
I interpret a how to fix a tuner as a hardware repair guide and such a thing don't exist for sagems.

Thanks for clearing that up for me MGB, i mustve misunderstood.

FERGALSWORLD i tried what you told and no joy :( sorry for not geting back to you quickly.

i think the guide i read was for nokias and not for sagems.

i will try reflowing the joints, if not the fork out for a new tuner.

thats for all the helps guys!
