Great Storm 1987


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Nov 17, 2001
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Just watching this on ITV .. who remembers the big storm ?

I had just moved to Kent and slept through it ! lol but tried to drive into London to work the next morning on the motorway and remember it was like a war zone lorries over turned all over the place, I was stopped by the Police who asked where I was going when I told them they said "your feckin mad go home" I didn't need telling twice lmao
Im watching It Now...

I slept thro aswell.. The only one in my house to Not wake up.
I was well gutted I missed it,

I was 7 years old, can't remember a thing about the big storm. Could happen again you never know.
remember going out after and all the trees around the green on my parents estate was ripped out car glass was smashed all over the place, we could not sleep none of us it was one of those times every window shook and you thought it would smash

brings back memories lol
I was also 7 when this happened, we lived on the coast out in the country. In the morning there weere bits of tree everywhere.

Strangely, the biggest thing I remember is that the chap who played Rene in 'Allo 'Allo was hurt quite badly in the storm...
cant remember the storm of 87 but i do remember the snow of 86 :)
I can remember the great Hurricane of 68.

January 15, 1968, The 1968 Hurricane. This storm tracked north up the west coast of Scotland. In Glasgow, some 20 people were killed and 2,000 people made homeless, Ayrshire and Argyll also affected.
I remember it very well as I was traveling down from Newcastle on a overnight coach for a job interview the next day. I slept most of the way, so totally unaware of any problems until coach driver pulled up at Victoria Stn. Surprised the coach carried on its journey to be fair.
Anyhow, always remember it being quite eerie, quiet, no traffic or power (traffic lights were all out). Made my way to Victoria tube but notices up to say it was closed. Had to walk to the next station past some fallen trees. Got on the platform and started talking to this bloke who just happened to be going the same place as me - Richmond. We decided to try and get a taxi and on the journey their, it turns out he was the Manager of the Richmond theater near to where I was going. He said if i got the job (Richmond College) he would see to it that i would get tickets for any decent show.
Turned up at the interview around 11:00 (should have been 9:30) but the bloke was so impressed i turned up all the way from Newcastle (as local candidates didnt even make it in) he offered me the job. Funny thing is, I never took it as pay wasnt as good as the 2nd job offer at the bank (Lombard). So never got to take up the offer of the theater tickets.
Always wonder tho as maybe it was some sort of destiny, who knows...