god forbid



i just hope when i wake up in the mornin the news i heard when i was just leavin work was not true,

the two shallow graves down south ,

with the little bairns that have gone missin,

having a 14 yr old daughter an a 6 yr old lad i feel fer the parents,

an just hope that the news isnt bad news,

this is where america have got it spot on,

crimes like this should be the death penalty,

like i said god forbid,

i hope its not the case but i fear the worst!!!

regards scoot

I could,nt agree with you more m8,
It makes you wonder at the mind of a person who could do such a thing --or even think of it.
all our prayers go out to the parents at this terrible time
sick bas*****

they should be put to death very sick people iv got 6 year old girl you have to be careful to day to many sicko,s along time a go i nealy had sister tuck by someone in a car she was lucky she sceamed to get away he though her out of car my dad ran out but he got away it was near house he called her he said he was looking for someone then grabed her she is lucky to be a liv to day to many sicko,s about i feel sorry for the girls what this sicko,s done to them hope he dies for this
well said guys,
hanging is too good for that kind of scum, it's time this country stopped listening to the "do gooders" (i.e. people who know feck all about life in the real world) and started listening to the people for a change.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

and i would send that pr@k of an mp galloway back to iraq if he loves sadam that much!
:Chainsaw: :Chainsaw: :mad: