Gloss paints , which ?

Weird one but Dulux recommend water based for halls and rooms with little natural day light and oil based for rooms with lots of natural light to stop the yellowing.

One other thing to consider, I have just started painting the outlaws hallway its quiet long with 5 doors, they normally do like blue walls and white wood work. So this time I talked them in to doing some thing different Chic Shadow for the wood work and doors (its a grey) and nutmeg white on the walls this gives them a nice bright hall (not much light gets in when doors are shut) with stand out woodwork :) will stick a couple of pics up when I have finished it.
So while were still on the subject of gloss paints and stuff, what about a good quality cutting brush ? so you save on the masking tape.
Which do you recommend ?
Weird one but Dulux recommend water based for halls and rooms with little natural day light and oil based for rooms with lots of natural light to stop the yellowing.

Tbh I've found that in recent years you've got more chance of oil based gloss white paint yellowing than water based white, with Dulux being one of the worst offenders. I'm sure that Watchdog covered this.

Modern water based glosses are superb compared with what they used to be. I wouldn't use anything else.
So while were still on the subject of gloss paints and stuff, what about a good quality cutting brush ? so you save on the masking tape.
Which do you recommend ?

I have always used Hamilton brushes, be careful with cheaper brands mate because the bristles come out of them very easily and ruin a good paint job.
Well holiday time and I went for it , painting and glossing for fun. I bought the Aqua Water Based Gloss - Johnstones Trade Paints

well if your shit of a shovel fast at painting then it's great. If not it's a mare, make sure you dampen the surface your painting first and use a synthetic brush. The stuff turns to chewy in minutes and will clog up a decent brush.

In the end I gave up , I was forever swapping out brushes and cleaning out the small paint kettle after the paint went off within the hour.

I'm now on Dulux wasterbase gloss and it's 10 times easier to get on. I don't give a flyer about how long it stays white not when it's taking 5 times longer and costing twice as much.
verdict if your not a pro 3/10 for Johnstones Aqua