Glitching a86

i can get either 7 per delay or 20+ lol never a consistent 12-13 lol

i'm turning the pot an 8th of a bawhair tae!

just turn your pot clockwise until it clicks,
then turn it back/anti-clockwise about 8 FULL turns that will give you a close enough VCC mate,

BUT as i can see you are getting enough decent help from the guys here *i will for once keep my trap shut :proud: and NOT confuse you :banana:
leave it on 7 then lol it may well shift about from that anyway as it hits certain code fragments that are more sensative on the card

Another small error with that commercial design, all mine have 500ohm pots so the resolution was much better turns/ohms for a cheap pot. A good pot can cost easily more than the glitcher does tbh.
Due to the Idletop on A86 moving around you can never be exactly sure were in the code you are so you can only be approximate with your adjustments anywhere between 8-12 is acceptable and indeed the next best thing is 6+ but not more than 13 ok, the pot adjustment is a focusing manouvre.
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i suppose this could take a while then lol

is there a rush lmao - sometimes a rom10 can glitch in seconds and sometime a few hours. After a time you get the feel for setting up the glitcher when you get this right you would be surprised how quickly it will glitch, considering the idletop is not static and the card is stuffed with orrible little glitch traps lol
no that its setup al just let it run aww day the mawra :)

Thanks mucker

Rep added

winexplorer said teh card is looped

but in nagraedit i get as far as attempting to login to BD3 but then it just says com2 successfully closed?

infinity usb unlimited is in pheonix mode

If it has an atr in a pheonix but you are getting this error, it is quite likely your pot adjustment is pinching the cards vcc so it can't fire up.

turn the pot anticlockwise about a 1/4 turn, remove then reinsert the dc plug to the glitcher and restart script. if it starts up the recalibrate the pot again if not repeat the proceedure as previosuly mentioned.
Not sure why you have this problem, i thought you're card was already running in the powersync. TBH should be dead or open long since by now!. assuming you left it runing last night of course. also check your winex config - on a true comport you should be able to setup as follows.

receive timeout: 1000
Byte delay :0
reset delay :50
Been trying for ages on these A86 cards, I'm using a 9VDC supply, just checking is this ok or does it need to be 10VDC as mentioned in other threads? Clutching at straws I know. cheers D
Just use a modem powersuply always worked well for me I have no problems at all with rom10 a86 using my Tiny.