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getting one for xmas


Sheep worrier.
VIP Member
im geting an xbox for xmas, does it need to be chipped so i can play copies, if so how much does it cost, could i do it myself (i used to chip old playstations but wont do a PS2 as it looks too fiddley) and is there anything else i need to know about it?

cheers in advance

You will need some sort of mod to play copies. It's best IMO to fit a chip but I know there is some method of a software boot disc and then you swap the disks, a bit like the dreamcast.
I've modded 2 xboxs in the last couple of months, one I soldered in and the other I used a no-solder adaptor. The no-solder adaptor was a piece of cake to fit. The site I bought the adaptor and chip was kanection.co.uk, its the xecuter 2.6 and xapter.
After fitting you will have to flash the chip with a modded bios, network the xbox to your pc and load a new dashboard (desktop). There are loads of sites out there that will guide you through it, heres one I have in my favourites

One of the problems you will have is finding the files to do all this, (bios, dashboard etc) as it is modified M$ source code and nobody will host it for download.

There is one place that has it, xbins. There's a tutorial on how to connect to this on the net also.
Hope this helps. I've probably raised a shed load more questions than I answered!

If you need help just holler!
or you could just softmod the bugger ,easily as good as a chip and u can do it in 5 mins-ive done all my mates boxes this way and not a single problem
violentj said:
or you could just softmod the bugger ,easily as good as a chip and u can do it in 5 mins-ive done all my mates boxes this way and not a single problem
i 2nd that softmod is realy easy and works well had no problems so far in any box. no need to open the box which is nice.
interesting!! whats this soft mod thingy? chipped my xbox a while ago, but someone askin me to do theirs so wouldnt mid some info on this soft mod
this may be old but our own goldberg sorted this out first before anybody else did

The Readme for lazy peeps Part 1

OK here it is!!!

You have downloaded the Evo-X without a PC ISO

Unrar the the file using Winrar 3

You should now be left with the file GoldgergModsNoPCEVOX.iso

Using Primo Prassi or Nero, burn the ISO image file to a CDrw, DVDrw or DVDr. DO NOT USE CDR!! It Will not work.

OK you have the disc burnt

Whats on the disc?

Xboxplorer (Which boots up when you load the disc)

The Pal/NTSC switch (Essential to stop Pal games jumping)

DVD Region X V2 (Dongle Free Multi Region DVD player)

Evo X (The Main Tool!!)

X-Box Clock (That syncs the clock with the real world on line, not essential but there)

2 Menus, 1 for advanced users so you can boot Xboxplorer and other utils to flash Bios, 1 basic so nothing can be damaged

A link to the original M$ Dashboard for memorycard management/Clock setting (SOme games wont work if clock not set) etc....

And finally Goldbergs link to the D : Drive to boot games first time.

Now comes the easy part,

1)Put the disc in the xbox (I know!!)
2)Xboxplorer will load and you will see the contents of your X-Box C: drive (Exited yet!!)
3)Using the joypad go down to and highlight the file 'xboxdash.xbe'
4)Press the white button and from the options select 'Rename' by using the A button
5)Using the joypad rename the file 'msdash.xbe' then press 'start'
6)you will now be prometed to confirm change by holding both triggers and pressing start.
7)Once done press the 'Back' button on the pad to get back to the C: drive.

In the top right hand of the screen you will see 'A' if you press the right trigger you will see it changes to 'B' Pressingthe left Trigger takes it back to 'A' you need to know this for the next part for switching to different drives!

8)Press the right trigger to goto 'B' which should select the e: drive.
9)Press the white button and from the menu select 'Select drive'
10)From the list choose the d: drive whoch is the DVD Drive and has the contents of the DVD.
11)From the d: drive select the 'EVOX' Folder
12)You will now see a folder called 'Bios' (Which we are not going to use, advanced users will know what this does) and xboxdash.xbe.
13)Highlight 'xboxdash.xbe' and press the white button
14)From the menu select 'Copy' by pressing 'A'
15)You will now be asked if you want to copy etc...hold both triggers and press start.
16)Press 'Back' to return to the drive.
17)Press the left trigger to return to 'A' the c: drive.
18)Press the white button and select 'Select Drive'
19)From the list choose drive e:
20)Press the right trigger to return to 'B' the d: drive
21)Press the 'Back' button to go back to the contents of the DVD.
22)Highlight the 'Apps' folder and press 'X' It will turn Blue. Now move to 'Games' & again press 'X'
23)Press the white button and select 'Copy' from the menu
24)Again it will ask if you aresure you want to copy the files from D: to E: Hold both triggers and press start

Almost done now!!!

25)Press the left trigger to go back to the E: drive
26)Press the white button and select 'Select Drive'
27)Choose drive c:
28)Press the right trigger to go back to drive D:

Now depending on how you want it set up read the following:
Menu.ini is the main menu which gives access to all of the features of Evo-X, and links to Xboxplorer which in the wrong hands can cause damage. Menu1.ini is a simple version that links to the Pal/Ntsc switch and DVD region X and no damage can be done.

29)Highlight which menu you want (it can be changed at any time, I think we all know what we are doing after installed so just choose menu.ini)
30)Press the white button and select 'Copy' from the menu
31)Again confirm by holding down both triggers and pressing start

31a)If you chose menu1.ini, press the left trigger and highlight the menu1.ini file. Press the white button and rename to 'Menu.ini'

32) You are done!!! simple as that!!! Press eject and put the disc away, you will only need this again if you want to recover some files.

33)Some advance users may want to copy the Bios folder from the D: drive EVOX folder. Copy this to the C: drive and re-name 'ROMS' IF you are doing this you onviously know why. I have left it out so people dont flash the bios by accident.

Goldberg-Mods for all of your En1gmah/N3O 4/M3SSIAH Mods & More


E-Mail for all queries.

The Readme for lazy peeps Part 2

Right what next?

The machine will boot and you will be prompted with the Evo-X screen from now on. (If you boot with a game in the game should load as normal)

The menu explained. You will see the following ifyou use the normal 'Menu.ini'

'If Game Did Not Boot Select This Option'
'DVD Player - Insert Disc Now' (If you have an X-Ecuter Chip you dont have to put disc in yet)
'NTSC/PAL Switch'
'Set Clock' (This is for online gaming)
'Original Microsoft Srcreen'
'System Utils' (Not Included in menu1.ini)
'Hard Disc Games & Apps' (Not Included in Menu1.ini)

Right the menu explained.

1)'If Game Did Not Boot Select This Option'
If you have a bad drive try the following trick. Boot the machine and open the drive.
This option will be in red as it is a broken link. Leave it highlighted and insert the game.
Once the draw is closed press 'A' whilst the disc is spinning
The Evolution X loading screen will appear and 1 of 2 thing will happen.
1 the game will boot (Yay!!)
2 you will be sent back to the Evo X screen but this time the link will be white. Press A again and the game will load.

This has worked for me everytime!!!

2)'DVD Player - Insert Disc Now'
Insert the movie, any region, any copy (works with VCD if you change drive over)
Select the option and DVD region X will boot.
Press the button displayed on the screen for instructions and watch movies!!

3)'NTSC/PAL Switch'
Select and use the instructions on screen to choose Pal or NTSC. Then turn off and back on.
If you have an older TV it may not like NTSC. However NTSC fixes the sound and video bugs on most games.
Also hand to play on the NET etc... you've heard it all before.

4)'Original Microsoft Screen'
Does Exactly what it says on the TIN!! From here you can manage your memory card etc...
If you have ejected from playing a game and you select, sometimes it wont work. Just reboot then it will.

Just re-boots the machine. Acts as a reset button which is missing from the console.

6)'System Utils'
In here is the tools to link to a PC, Flash the bios, look at some info about the hard disc etc... (Advanced users will know)
Also a link to Xboxplorer so you dont need the disc anymore. From here loading Xboxplorer you can dump games/apps etc... onto the hard disc

7)'Games & Apps'
The Apps folder will have links to any apps you may dump on the E: drive under the Apps Folder
The Games folder will have links to any apps you may dump on the E: drive under the Games Folder

Remeber you can upload your own Menu.ini if you create it in an ISO then copy from the disc as above. Mine do what I want them to do. Advanced users may want to add more to the main menu.
At anytime to go back a screen on the Evo-X screen, press the 'Back' Button

OK, so now the part on how to put games and apps onto the HD.

Boot up the machine
Putin a games or apps disc
Goto Games & Apps
Select Apps, then Xboxplorer
From XBoxplorer choose 'A' as being the e: drive. Go into the Games or Apps folder depending on what you want to dump.
If you were to choose Games, go into the folder and press the white button. Select 'New Directory' Name it what ever the game is, you dont have to be accurate it's for your info only here.
Now press the right trigger to goto 'B' select the d: drive and highlight all files using the 'X' button. Now press white and copy.
Press both triggers and start to confirm.
Once done reboot the machine, take the disc out.
Goto the Games & Apps folder.
Select Games
Now the game you have just copied will be there. Select and press 'A' to boot!!!

If you ever wanted to delete, just load up Xboxplorer and delete the folder the game is in.
If a newer version of evo-x comes out just boot up, select Xboxplorer and copy the file to the c:drive from the disc and re-name it xboxdash.xbe


Any questions/Comments contact me.

Thanks for all your support guys!


Goldberg-Mods for all of your En1gmah/N3O 4/M3SSIAH Mods & More


E-Mail for all queries.
fibzy said:
interesting!! whats this soft mod thingy? chipped my xbox a while ago, but someone askin me to do theirs so wouldnt mid some info on this soft mod
its dead easy and i find better than a mod chip (i dont quite see the point in them, if your a "normal user")
all you need is a "special" safe game.
one of the original 007 games (forgot the name i think agent under fire or so)
once the game loads up, you load hte safe game from teh HD and vola that more or less it. the save game will "crash" the xbox and load the Evolution desktop .. from here you can ftp into ur box and upload ur new image.
not done it ina while but it is realy easy and as good as a mod chip ..
well thats what i think :0 but i only use the box for the Xboxmedia centre and a few games once in a while.
Shipoftheline said:
cheaper I suppose but I'd get pissed off after awhile of going through that rutine
oh no you only do it once! this way you actually install a new dashboard, the mod becomes "permanent". it handels just like any mod chip. i can boot a copyed game and run 3rd party software i.e. XBMC.
So just the same with out the hassel of opening the xbox ..