George not guilty of Dando murder

If it was the same evidence as 1st trial...then I would have him sent to the gallows....ooops I mean I would have found him guily and sent him to a cushy prison.

Yer a quare geg Jaffa! :)
What about Jill Dando? Is no-one going to defend her? Her parents must be outraged?

Why on earth should her parents be outraged because an innocent man has been set free. That seems to show a rather twisted logic.

This case has troubled people since the shock 'guilty' verdict. Most observers at the time expected him to be aquited because the evidence was so tenuous. It was another case of a social outcast being fitted up because the public expected a result in a high profile case.

To suggest that he has somehow 'got off with it' is just sickening.
Why on earth should her parents be outraged because an innocent man has been set free. That seems to show a rather twisted logic.

This case has troubled people since the shock 'guilty' verdict. Most observers at the time expected him to be aquited because the evidence was so tenuous. It was another case of a social outcast being fitted up because the public expected a result in a high profile case.

To suggest that he has somehow 'got off with it' is just sickening.

There is no indication that I said that at all!?
I meant that her parents were outraged to know that there is still a killer out there that murdered their daughter.

On that note I will leave this site if you cant be friendly and thats what I thought we are meant to be and where is your evidence.
There is no indication that I said that at all!?
I meant that her parents were outraged to know that there is still a killer out there that murdered their daughter.

On that note I will leave this site if you cant be friendly and thats what I thought we are meant to be and where is your evidence.

u cant throw your dummy out of the pram because someone dosnt agree with u
Sorry but he said I had twisted logic??? and that I was suggesting he got off with it?

Thats a bit personal dont you think? We are all entitled to our opinions after all but personal jibes.

Forensic evidence about a tiny speck of gun residue in Barry George's coat

but has he explaind this yet, how did it get there
its very rare to be killed by a stranger .. bet its someone she knew

i'd agree with that... I personally have never been killed by a stranger in my life.

to be honest though wether he killed Jill Dando or not the guys a total fookin nutjob.
I aint falling fall all that "harmless loner" BS.
glad that you have not been killed end of!!!

I remember with the killing of jfk...did they pick a hobo off the street for killing him?

I also think that bg could have been like this too.

Yes but that does not make him a killer.

So many questions but he has been given the allclear.
Most of the time it is and can be someone that you know who would kill you?? Someone that hates you that is!
But did he actually do it or not? I know he has been found not guilty now - but thats due to evidence not being used in the second trial.

Eitherway, the poor womans death has still not been accounted for...

What evidence ? the gunpowder residue ?
In any Murder investigation let alone a high profile one, police are under huge pressure to get results.

I believe Barry George was an easy target for the police.

Finding gun residue without having the murder weapon should have never been allowed as evidence in the first place. It proves absolutely nothing!
The guy has an I.Q. of 75. The murder was described as a cool clinical assassination. Doesn't fit does it?
That and the bad character witenesses, I think there was a change in the law according to the article.

Ok everyone on this forum who is a bad character put your hands up,1,2,3,4,5 to many to count, ok you are now suspects in the Jill Dando murder
Seriously now, he had a history of stalking women - this is the sort of information used in his first trial.

At the time of his first trial, the prosecution was able to use a bad character witness as part of their evidence. Apparently, you cant do that now, you can only prosecute with the evidence at hand and not supposition on what the defendant might or might not have gotten up to.

I think we need to look at the jury system in this country, seems to me any retard can sit.
Back to your point "evidence" where was it ?, Lets face it a retard Jury convicted a man with no evidence and a poxy Judge sat back and let it happen
I think we need to look at the jury system in this country, seems to me any retard can sit.
Back to your point "evidence" where was it ?, Lets face it a retard Jury convicted a man with no evidence and a poxy Judge sat back and let it happen

well what about the police investigating it, should they not take the brunt of the blame there for taking it to court. they were the one who found the evidence used. if the rozzers where worth their salt they should have known that evidence was not good enough and not proceeded to court.

and on that note if the rozzers knew this and continued to prosicute a innocent man surely the coppers should be charged for impeaching the coarse of justice maybe even tampering with evidence.

i dunno if he done it or not but it does look suspicious that a man with mental illness, low iq and learning disabillities could plan such a thing and hid the gun which i believe has never been found eveni if he is a convicted sex offender, stalker. if he got caught stalking ppl how could he do the murder and hide the evidence with his cognitive ability.

lol in news of the world he said he couldnt have killed as he was stalking someone else at the time lol now to me that just shows the mental capability of the man by saying such a thing.

Are the police going to reopen the case and try and capture the killer of a human (famous on telly or not i dont fecking care)?
It doesnt really matter at the end of the day - the important thing is that Dando's killer is still out on the streets, regardless of whether George did it or not.

It does matter, an innocent man served time in prison for a crime that he did not commit.
It doesnt really matter at the end of the day - the important thing is that Dando's killer is still out on the streets, regardless of whether George did it or not.

It is better that ten guilty men go free rather than one innocent man goes to jail and it does matter.

So what will happen to the police officers who investigated the case? NOTHING
What about the judge who will sack him? NO ONE
The jury what must they be thinking now ? I guess most dont give a shit
Good old British justice now it's time to look at the Michael Stone case Is Michael Stone Innocent of the Two Russell Murders who knows
The British justice system and especially the Judge and crown prosecution are at fault, both trials went ahead with only circumstantial evidence and hearsay, there was no conclusive evidence at all, in a Murder trial the Judge Must direct the Jury that they have to be 100% sure of a persons guilt if they are to convict, if in any doubt whatsoever they Must acquit, so the first Jury Must have been misdirected

The original Trial Judge, as with 99.9% of all judges is/are prosecution biased tossers, they are meant to be impartial ! .. bullshit !
the one bit of evidence was the gun power in a pocket in a jacket , but the jacket was left in a room on show with no covers on and at the last minutes someone said to check it ,,
fit up
The gunpowder residue was crucial in securing his conviction, but last year, following a review of the case by the Criminal Cases Review Commission, the Court of Appeal ruled that the gunpowder had no evidential value, as the risk of it getting in his pocket through contamination was so high, and ordered a retrial.

Even with the powder residue as evidence the jury were not told that the partical was so small and minute that it was almost certain that it was caused by cross contamination, had they been made aware of that fact at the first trial it would of negated the residue evidence leaving only circumstantial evidence