George not guilty of Dando murder

Because this is further evidence of the character of Barry George.
Despite being not long out of prison (which although he was acquitted, there is no doubt that if he hadn't had a history of harrassment then he probably wouldn't have been in the position of being accused), it looks as though he may be up to his old tricks.
Well the fact that he's harrassing again after so very recently being let out would indicate to a quite a sinister side of his character (more so that just harrasing the one person).
It's certainly no smoking gun but it does point to the fact he should probably be in an asylum and not roaming the streets.
I think it's relevant enough to be tagged onto the end of this thread.
I disagree that it deserves a place here on this thread.

But, you are entirely correct in your assumptions on George. He should be kept somewhere so that he isnt able to harass anyone again.

I think she should have 24 hr protection as i fear the justice system may well let us down with this crank and lets hope he does not murder again as i think he was as guilty as OJ Simpson and look what happened there.
well, there it gets tricky - the courts have found him not guilty. Personally, I have no idea if he did it or not. But he does need close supervision, or locked up somewhere for his own good if not for everyone elses.

Im pretty sure he will be getting watched like a hawk m8 as i bet the police dont beleive he is innocent