Formula 1 calendar for the 2022 season

Will Hamilton comply with the rules and remove his jewellery or will he refuse and be banned by the FIA or will the FIA once again give in to his and Toto's demands like they did at the end of the season last year 🤔
On Channel 4 ths weekend too, qualifying and the race.
I like DC and Webber but I hate that Welsh guy and I don't know if there will be loads of adverts or not so i may watch the build up but download the race later from the sky coverage from a torrents site.
Hopefully Hamilton is far enough back to not put Max in hospital again, like he did at Silverstone last year.
What a shame that George stopped to see if he could help instead of staying in the car to get back to the pits as he could possibly have got some good points, like Checo did, who drove brilliantly.