Fookin pipex twarts


Sheep worrier.
VIP Member
Aug 8, 2001
Reaction score
The edge.
what a bunch of useless fookin fookwit arseholes this lot are

ive been with pipex since the day broadband was available in my area, at the begining of september i suddenly had no connection, so i phoned them to be told that id been disconnected by mistake, 48 hours later it came back on, with a download speed of 12k (yes, a quarter dial up speed) and i cant upload NOTHING, so i phoned them and they said the maximum my line could handle was 1.5-2M at most. i used to rape my bandwidth at a full 8Mm/s so i knew this was wrong, so after numerous phonecalls to their JOKE of a tech support team based in india or wherever the fook it is, i rang BT openreach, and with their help, and the help of a member here, i got information that the fault was definatley with pipex

more phonecalls, more going round in circles and being told 'mr dude, i can understand your fustration with your service'


then my phone bill came in :(

nearly seventy fookin pound on calls to them!!!!!

thats £70 in real money, and it still wasnt working, then to top it off, they sent me a letter saying i owe the nearly another £50

back on the phone, demanding a customer service supervisor, preferably one whos first language is english and can grasp sarcasm from an irate customer knowing that im not praising their service with what im saying

but, aparently, if i want to speak to an english supervisor, i have to write them a letter and theyll ring me back. so i write letters AND emails, and hear nothing

next thing i know, my net gets cut off, so i ring them (again) and demand to talk to a credit control supervisor, who can see all the calls about the service attached to my account, and ask for a refund of the £50 they say i owe them, as well as compensation for the (rising) cost of calls to them, the credit control supervisor cant authorise this, i have to get an authorisation code from a technical support supervisor because of my problems so the credit department can credit my account

lost yet?

another ho8ur on the phone, and im told £49.98 for 2 months service, plus £24.99 for the current months service, plus £149.94 compensation for the 3 months bad service, plus £70 for the cost of calls is credited to my account. this is basicly a years free broadband

today i come home, and theres a letter saying i owe them £46.83

i phone them and EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!

the girl on the phone is nearly crying, and tells me the only way i can talk to someone in england is if i want to cancel, and gives me a number, so i phone it, and a northerner answers


but its the wrong number, muthur fuker!!!!!!!!!!!

he gives me a different number, and says they can issue a MAC code over the phone, so i phone it

now the guy i spoke to on this number, who i hope is a member of this forum so he knows that just because of him, im going to fly to africa, im going to learn ALLLLLLllll about voodoo, and im going to make a little doll of him, and im going to shove the little doll in the arse of a dead rat, and the rat im going to freeze and thaw for 3 days continuously, then im going to catch 3 crows, and let them eat the rat, then im going to catch one of the wild cats from the mountain by me and lock that in with the crows so it eats them, then im going to suffocate the cat and kick it all over this valley that i live in, and the little doll that started in the rats arse is going to feel EVERY bit of this, and cos its a voodoo doll so will the pr1ck that i was talking to, anyway, this guy offered me a deal to stay with pipex. now ive already been through this with the OTHER FOOKIN 13 DEPARTMENTS ARSEHOLE!!!!!!!!

whats the point in giving me a deal on something that dont work??????? would i turn up at a customers house with a fooked sky box and say 'yep, its shagged, so only give me twenty quid a month instead'????? NO!!! I'D FOOKIN FIX IT!!!!!!!! but trying to get this through to kevin wasnt working

his recommendation, phone technical support, again. so i (politley) ask is there a tech dept based in the UK, as the indian tech call centers are about as much use as me phoning PC world to ask why the central locking on my BMW aint working, so he then gives me an 0800 number, that hes not meant to give out unless its special curcumstances, as this is the UKs A team of pipex tech guys, so i thank him for the number, and ask if he can still send me a MAC code in case i get no joy with the tech guys

kevin says 'fookin winker' and i get cut off, then to top it off the 0800 number dont even exist


i feel like driving to birmingham (thats the address on their letters) and kicking the living p1ss out of whoevers on the front desk, then everyone else who comes to see whats going on as well

does anyone have a UK number for pipex so at the very least i can cancel with them, or im going to have to drive to birmingham and get myself arrested
Contact details

Telephone: 0871 222 5550

thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im going to kill someone, i know that twarting number off by heart, and the tech one, and the 2 different account numbers thay have for me


wheres the rizlas, im going to wrap my head in them and smoke myself
Sounds like you have as much luck with phone calls to customer service teams as me mate ! lol

Not much help, was pipex not on watchdog a little while ago for this reason or very similar... also the not being able to cancel problem ?
get virmin at basic the save yourself some money and change the settings in the modem and tv box
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apart from that though how was your day pmsl

0800 4587000
Sod that, just go with BT and not have to deal with nuimpties like this.

I had no end of trouble with my old ISP once they moved the contact centers out to India. And I know BT has Indian call centers too, but they look after their kit a little better.
020 33028401
020 33028402
020 33028407
020 33028408
020 33028409
020 33028410
020 33028411
020 33028412
0161 4515100
0161 4515000
(doesn't guarantee a UK CS operative though.)

File a complaint with Trading Standards, Ofcom and Otelo. Then write to the head office (recorded delivery recommended) to inform them that you've done so...
What do you expect dude when the phones are manned by david hasslehof and an angry dwarf?
I know exactly how you feel mate . I had the same problem with Cannon Textile that supply overalls to my garage . I'll write a post on it sometime when i calm down but what i found was their departments don't talk to each other and if i could have figured out which department to go to i would have ripped someones head off as well.You feel like you are banging your head against a brick wall don't you
Dude take a chill pill, lol. I am STILL waiting for a MAC code from them but I am not leaving coz of crap service in fact I have never had any problems and always had a maxed out 8 meg connection.

I want to leave to save fooooken money. LOL.

Dude get yourself up here for a nice holiday mate :)
Just to upset the OP a little more... Pipex are owned by Tiscali... lol
(Sorry dude!)
so you saying digi that pipex are not your first choice for broadband then??

just fill in this easy questionaire for me.. do you rate pipex for customer service?

2.Is their tech guys up to the job and understand your every need?

3.Is billing always nice and easy?

4.Can you now speak indian very well......just disconnect your modem Mr Digi and reboot then call us back and we will tell you exactly the same.

5.Do you want to kill pipex and all its employees

6.Finally would you recommend them!!!
yeah you should call pipex on 0871 222 5550 :tongue:

get a mac and change to tiscali

please man what ever u do dont move to tiscali they are by far the worse isp i have ever been with and iv been with loads there tec guys and r useless there billing is a joke.
ur lucky if u can get u tube working as they class it as p2p how i dont know u only have to look on the net about them to see how bad they are.

iv now moved from tiscali phone and net even tho i was only with them for 4 months still waiting for my Final bill even tho 3 ppl from tiscali told me that they will wave the rest of the 8 months contract cos of the probs i kept having.But im sure they will sod that all up and bill me for it anyways

best thing u can do m8 is move to bt for phone and go with o2 for net its great good speeds and the best service iv ever had all to uk call centres even better is its a 0800 no for everything billing or tec ..

goodluck man with who ever u go with
What about "Be" broadband, they are meant to be about the best as far as speed etc is concerned.

You need to check first that they have thier equipment fitted and live in your local exchange, if so they says they can gaurantee speeds of about 15meg and thats even if you are about 2.5km's away from the exchange, obviously the nearer the exchange you are the better chance you will have of getting close to thier top speed of 24meg, and if your far away then it will obviously be much less.
I dont know what kind of equipment they fit at the exchange, but seemingly accordingly to "Be" its far superior than the other companys equipment, hmmm.

I cant find anyone yet though that has "Be", would be good to see if what they say actually is the truth.
I'm with TalkTalk and I get it free with the phone. It's supposed to be a 8meg but I get 6meg. Which in't bad for free.

I was with Pipex, and the download speed was shite, about 1.5meg and £15 a month
this is what you need to do look at this vid and seriousley think if david the hoff is on it, are you going to get through to someone who has brains???

[ame=""]the hoff pipex[/ame]