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Film recommendation?

I will **** your gorgeous avatar arse!

I wish I could FFS have you noticed the black elbows in the photo though

I only noticed last week no way could a white woman have a arse like that black is if the future for me im hooked left right and sinka after my recent experiance I dont think a white woman can compare???????????

gyrate rocking dancing loving MFcukers
Well i grabbed the hurt locker and there were loads of blocks missing so thought id grab eden lake instead (ill grab hurt locker for tonight).

And for the first 30 mins i was a bit bored to say the least infact if she hadnt of got into a bikini i may have switched it off.

Then as it gets going i found it really gripping brett was totaly believeable infact ive met wankers like him. Cooper was from my home town good to see him in another film after this is england.

And me and the missus both enjoyed the film as disturbing as it is but it still had the cliche's of most horror/thrillers and i even guessed the ending.

Great film though and a credit to the british film industry excellent actors who you could really connect with i was there in them woods man.

Scary thing is there are little shits like that out there.
I watched The Boat That Rocked the weekend, thought it was great film.
District 9 is good too but didn't think much of Inglorious Basterds.
Antichrist is great (if you like Lars Von Trier). I had a few nightmares after it.

If you want a stupid zombie movie 'Dead Snow' is the tops.
You need a strong stomach for Antichrist I have heard...

Films I've watched recently:
Hurt Locker - very good, loved the cameos by "stars" who get blown away...
District 9 - a few plot holes, but entertaining stuff and makes you think
City of God - on film 4 the other night, missed it first time round, but a really excellent movie.
In The Loop - if you enjoyed "The Thick Of It" on BBC then you will love this, some very funny dialogue, Peter Capaldi is magnificent as Malcolm Tucker:

Just f***ing do it! Otherwise you'll find yourself in some medieval war zone in the Caucasus with your arse in the air, trying to persuade a group of men in balaclavas that sustained sexual violence is not the f***ing way forward!
Apparently you need to use your brain to watch it al thats probably why you struggled with it.

oooooo thats why it's crap aliens land on earth get hte pish ripped out of em and then one leaves and the film ends ready for part 2
dont think it was that hard to work out
Well i watched it with my eldest lad and im sorry to say i enjoyed it :) Only let down was the ending i guess it leaves it open but it didn't really end anywere.
Well i watched it with my eldest lad and im sorry to say i enjoyed it :) Only let down was the ending i guess it leaves it open but it didn't really end anywere.

I watched and, enjoyed it. but, as you say, you need to use your brain. after all, its not about aliens, well the story is, but not the anecdote it tells.
I found it disturbing, as a comment on the human condition. as for the end, i doubt there is a sequel. "of course we will help you", was the comment when the Aliens arrived. why then, when they leave, should they be any more honest?

its flawed true, but a damned sight better than the average fodder, out there.