FANTASTIC !! Thank You All



Fantastic !!!!!!!!! i have to say a well desreved thank u to all the guys who work this site and who have helped me over the past few days, in the space of 2 days i have purchased an elvis and am now the proud owner of a fully working gold wafer. Links and tuotrails are excellent, and i finally realised that you cant open kevlar 1.3, u just have to use it in mp6 and program the files.
Just a few last questions i would like help with,
How long will the card last? does it have to be programmed again or do i just remote update it each month?
whilst surfing around i noticed other things that can be done to the cards eg change expiry date, do i now need to do anything else to the card that will make it last longer ?
what else can my elvis be used for ?
is it really worth making an auto update card ?
A big thank you goes out to evryone involved with the running of the site and no doubt i will be logging on all the time now to check for new developments
Hey Wizard,

I'm about two days behind you and getting there. Where did you get your elvis and card etc from? I want to order in the next day or two.

These are great questions

I also would like to know what else can be done with the elvis and if the auto-update cards are worth looking into?

Cheers doods ;) ;)
thanks wizard im glad we can help you :)

just make sure you save

as one of your favourites because we will be moving soon :) and there is always a link to the board :)

and you can get the elvis and cards from

i hope this helps and enjoy your stay

ps we will give you the remote codes at the end of the month for the kevlar :)
yes thanks guys,i took the plunge ,handed over my dosh plugged in elvis and with your help consigned the bloke in the pub(who i bought a card off and who has to reprogram it)to the scrap heap
cheers guys and keep up the good work
thanks your making me blush -- lmao

also you can use a elvis for cloning a sim card :) and reading your sim card

but i am still learning about it 2
i will put my finds in the gsm room as soon as i know more :)
I am not saying not to use divineo for ordering as i've ordered nokia flasher leads from them and within two days I was the proud owner of the dejan kit, but I used he has a great collection for programmers and wafer cards and is very, very reliable as I use him all the time for my wafer cards, any problems and he will help you out. Now you can't get fairer than that. When you order be sure to mention Highlander at Digital World. Thanks to you all for helping me and helping others. :D :D
I have to whole heartedly agree with Wizard. I have also just purchased an Elvis and programmed my first gold card. It was so easy with all the help from the tutorials!! Keep up the good work lads! I look forward to Mickie D's info on Sim card cloning .. Good Luck Mickie.
:D :D :D :D
am i on the right forum here :D looking for (ONdigital) ;)
Yep its great when things go to plan, and you active some think you thought you could not do, so keep it up guys its great fun......Gazer :cool: