Fake Paypal email


Inactive User
Oct 3, 2004
Reaction score
Somewhere over the rainbow
Just received an email claiming to be from paypal this morning.

It stated that my paypal account had to be re activated and gave me 2 links to click on
It didnt look legit so I called paypal this morning
they advised it was a fraud email

Paypal advise that any emails they send which start as dear valued paypal member or dear paypal member etc are not legit

All emails paypal send will have your first and last name at the start

The links that are on the email both look legit ie paypal.com
but when you hover the mouse over it shows you would be taken to this site

I havent clicked on it as it may be a virus paypal reckon

If you click on it, it will take you to a spoof Paypal front page. I guess if you were to input your password there, then you would be cleaned out.
Looks good, apart from the URL in the address bar.
aye m8 thanks for letting us know i hate the fookers that do this sort of stuff
I posted about this a while ago as I was getting quite a lot ...sad to see its still about :(
please all be very careful ;)
cheers m8 - as a rule of thumb - any email asking you to confirm details by entering it again needs serious avoiding.
I've had two off them. Can someone tell me does your paypal account expire after a certain time if you dont use them coz thats what the first one said the next one said dear paypal user we need to inform you that during our security reform we are asking every user to become ID verified bla bla bla. I havent replied to any of them
i haven't used mine for around 2 years and then used it a month or so ago - it doesn;t expire, but if your credit card does then you have to enter a new card, which can take time for verification.
Thanks for that just checked my e mails and the first one had my name on it and yeah my card does run out soon but the second e mail from pay pal doesnt have my name. I just get a bit worried coz i get e mails from people that say they are from pc security and then they know your name. My god you cant trust anyone can you
If you use Paypal, ONLY enter your details if you go to their site - any emails asking for these are phishing.

If you have a doubt, type the paypal url and check your account.

I get about 20 of these a day - even to email addys that are not linked to paypal
people will try anything these days to get hold of our money how on earth can they get away with it
best get ebay tool bar it shows when you are on a legit paypal/ebaysite.(sorry if its been posted before)
I got sent a really convincing one it had all the ebay graphics and i could so easily have fallen for it,but they asked for all my card details etc so i got in touch with ebay and they said it was a scam--the trouble is i had a dispute with a seller and ebay sent me summat asking for my info so they could put any compensation straight into my account---i ended up ignoring it and havent heard a thing back since--still the tw#t that ripped me is paying and will continue to pay til i get fed up with it..ha ha---he's had a few non payers lately!! poor boy!!lol!