F**ckin bouncers


Inactive User
Mar 4, 2006
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Yorkshire. Mighty Leeds
my older borther got trown out of a club for no apparnet reason, neways the big bounncer 7ftish lol tall came up to me and sed he was going to killb my brother for talkin to his girl...lmao....i luv my bro and i poked the boncer in face and sed if he killed him i wud kill him lmao woo lol (i was drunk he wud av squashed me) wat a twat my brother is the niceest guy u cud meet and wudnt do anytin to girl yet th bouncer sed he was guin to set my house on fire..no idea why? it was nice house tbh lol. for sum reason i begna to cry like girl lmao cops were jus outsdie the door so i went ot talk to them to channel my anger i was talkin to a girl at leeast half an hour sweet but she cudnt do netin th bouncer sed i was rele upset and cudnt fund my brother since he got marched out of the club i was rele worried neways i found him unharmed but he got call of bouncer sed he was guin to kill all my family i was rele upset probarly bcos iwas drunk ( i am now)..neways i just fort id say i offialllly foookin hate bouncers twats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

soorry for nme offence .
At one of our works Xmas parties my wife was getting harrassed by some knob, so I came up behind him and took a swing at him. Before I knew it I had not one, not two, but 6 bouncers grabbing at me from all around they grabbed me and started trying to push me to the exit. One of them even bit me on the cheek. I didn't want to leave so pushed them all back, don't forget I weigh around 17 stones. I dropped down to the floorand one of them grabbed me by my tie and started dragging me out. I was clawing at my neck to try and breath. I began to black out and if it had been any further I think they would have strangled me to death!

Any way the adrenaline kicked in once they had thrown me down the concrete stairs and I managed to catch my breath. A work colleague came out and started telling them they had no right to do what they just did and they started mouthing off at him. Then one of them ran up to him and smacked him square on the nose, he dropped to the floor and the bouncer stood over him saying I hope you f-ing die! I jumped on him arm around his neck and started choking him. Anyways all calmed down Manager sent the bouncers inside, people outside had called the police and an ambulance. But we just all got a taxi and went home. At work on the following Monday they couldn't believe the rope burns around my neck and my black eye and bite mark. Poor mate had a bust nose. And the little prat harrassing my Mrs dissapeared in the scuffle never to be seen again!

So yes I agree, Bouncers are t0ss3rs
Doormen/Bouncers are supposed to be governed by a law these days so I would report the twat and he should get his right to work doors removed? That's if your bro was forcably removed from the venue for no apparent reason other than talking to a girl?

The best doormen should be able to talk a person out of a pub and not man-handle them. Their supposed to be a bit diplomatic?
well i travelled into london to a a party where a friend was going to another country for good and was his last night in uk, went all the way to the west end only to be told by the bouncer i cant come in because it was over 25 and i was 24 only even though all my friends that was already in there was between the ages of 18-22 he just didnet like the look of us and ruined a good night out because he felt like it nice eh? WELL I HATE THEM TOO just a bunch of tosspotts!!!
Many years ago I spent some time in Swindon doing a C+G course.I used to visit the Brunel night club,I don't know if its' still there. One night I decided to have a meal and got caught short straight after eating it. I tried to catch the attention of a waitress so I could pay for my meal but she told me I would have to wait as she was busy. There was no kiosk to pay at so I waited as long as I could before going up to her and informing her that I had to use the toilet and would be straight back.
While I was doing the necessary I turned round to see 2 bouncers waiting just inside the door,I told them there was nothing to worry about as I was going straight back to pay my bill. They stood to one side to let me through the door and that is the last thing I remember until I was on the floor outside. I later learnt that they had grabbed me round the throat causing me to swallow my tongue, apparently they pulled it back out damaging my mouth in the process.
The person who told me this suggested that I go back to thank them for saving my life??????

Im Bouncer Trained BTW Like To Call It Door Supervisor Now :proud:
Before All Hate Me ;) I Dont Work Doors Just Done The Traning lol
Most Clubs Now Days Dont Want Big Heft Guys Want 5ft 11 ish 6ft People Who Look Normal So People Not Scared To Talk To Them.
Bouncers Are Govenred By The SIA Secutiy Industry Authority
You Can Reaport Him To The SIA Just By Giving The Club Or Venue Name
There Like Lil Superviors From SIA Do A Spot Check
Was Her Wearing His SIA Licence On Show To Everyone

I Would Report Him To SIA M8 They Cant Fooking Do That Dont Yet Him Get Away With It
The SIA Will Come Down On Him Hard
He Will Have His Licence Removed And Never Be Allowed To Work The Doors Again
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I speak from experience .. go back one night, follow the tosser home, find out where he shops then have it with the gutless scumbag in the car park when you and him are all alone and I guarantee he will shit himself without he's "Big" mates around to help him ... DON'T have it at he's house
Im Bouncer Trained BTW Like To Call It Door Supervisor Now :proud:
Before All Hate Me ;) I Dont Work Doors Just Done The Traning lol
Most Clubs Now Days Dont Want Big Heft Guys Want 5ft 11 ish 6ft People Who Look Normal So People Not Scared To Talk To Them.
Bouncers Are Govenred By The SIA Secutiy Industry Authority
You Can Reaport Him To The SIA Just By Giving The Club Or Venue Name
There Like Lil Superviors From SIA Do A Spot Check
Was Her Wearing His SIA Licence On Show To Everyone

I Would Report Him To SIA M8 They Cant Fooking Do That Dont Yet Him Get Away With It
The SIA Will Come Down On Him Hard
He Will Have His Licence Removed And Never Be Allowed To Work The Doors Again

A few times I been thrown out of a club, one time I got thrown out by 5 big bouncers just because I was trying to stop a fight between my m8 and some other knob, they thought i was fighting my m8 so we both got dragged out through the fire exit and down the stairs, in the process my m8 shoe came off and the ******s threw it on the roof. They take the fecking piss. They are worser then a traffic warden.

Do all bouncers in the Uk has to have a SIA licence to work as a bouncer or can any tom dick and harry do there jobs. and do they by law have to display there badges at all times.
God i sound that right idiot lol...^^^...

Yes he was dragged out, for no reason (really). Found it really funny at time acutally, but then i was upset and angry lol. Luckily they was about 7 community support officers outside so bouncers didn't cause a big scene. The female officer was talkin too was nice but not much she can do best thing is get in taxi and go home lol.

I hate people who go out and purposely cause trouble and start fights and people who just to have good time.

Come to expect it from bradford hate it, i'm never going out there again i once went out with my indian mate and few other friends and we all got in fine but the doorman wouldn't let my indian mate in and he wasn't drunk or anything and he's only like 5 ft 4 slitely chubby hardly a trouble causer or figure of strength. The doorman wouldn't let him and we began demanding a explanation why but he refused just saying "not t'nite" i wasn't even bothered about going in now just wanted to know the reason, we was even sayin why not so next time he comes out he knows, trying to be resonable but he didn't flinch, eventually he told us that it was because he had a coat on which didn't mek sense bcos he cud jus hang it up in cloakroom. Big egos and zero person skills don't mix well.

neways ill shut up.
A few times I been thrown out of a club, one time I got thrown out by 5 big bouncers just because I was trying to stop a fight between my m8 and some other knob, they thought i was fighting my m8 so we both got dragged out through the fire exit and down the stairs, in the process my m8 shoe came off and the ******s threw it on the roof. They take the fecking piss. They are worser then a traffic warden.

Do all bouncers in the Uk has to have a SIA licence to work as a bouncer or can any tom dick and harry do there jobs. and do they by law have to display there badges at all times.

You Have To Have A SIA Livcence Other With You Will Be Commint A Offence.
Yh If You Dont Display Your Licence Ie Have It Round Your Neck On The Holders So People Can See It
Cant Have It In You Pocket
Has To Be On Display To Generla Public, If Any Tom Dick Harry Asks To See It We Have To Show IT
Have To Be SIA Licenced To Do
Door Supvisor
Retail Security Guard
Cash In Van Transit
Few Others
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I got asked for ID to prove I was 18, and I was about 26 at the time. It was because I am tall and was dressed in a way that made me look big despite the fact I am quite slim.
well i travelled into london to a a party where a friend was going to another country for good and was his last night in uk, went all the way to the west end only to be told by the bouncer i cant come in because it was over 25 and i was 24 only even though all my friends that was already in there was between the ages of 18-22 he just didnet like the look of us and ruined a good night out because he felt like it nice eh? WELL I HATE THEM TOO just a bunch of tosspotts!!!

ive had a few nights out ruined by bouncers and there 'not tonight lads' or regulars only, how do u become a regular if they dont let you in?...

one was my mates 21st, three of us decided to stay in the pub for a few more drinks n wait for the queue to die down and rest of the party headed to a club...so half hour later we walked up...two bouncers n asked us for id, all 22 and all had driving lisenes on us...the guy i gave mine to looked at it n went enjoy yur night n went to let me past...n the other one shouted not tonight lads...why even bother to look at id's if he knew he wasnt gonna let us in?
my mate has just passed his course to become a bouncer and for what i have seen on here NO BOUNCER is allowed to treat people like that like some of you have said report them they will lose there right to work on the doors for good
the majority of bouncers ive met are sound...but you get odd few that the power seems to go to their heads...and over react to everything and anything! found this especially with smaller local nightclubs :Laugh: get to know your face then think they can do wotever they like to u

and thanks fisco for info on the SIA...wot if i ask for it and they dont show it? cant prove they didnt show it?
i just wish if a place is to busy then they say its too busy not this regulars only crap

most of the time they ask for it they way they treat you, its as if they have never been out in there lifes and drinks the devil LOL
the majority of bouncers ive met are sound...but you get odd few that the power seems to go to their heads...and over react to everything and anything! found this especially with smaller local nightclubs :Laugh: get to know your face then think they can do wotever they like to u

and thanks fisco for info on the SIA...wot if i ask for it and they dont show it? cant prove they didnt show it?

you phone SIA and they will do a spot check on the club get a random person to ask a bouncer to show it if they dont
SIA Do Spot Checks All The Time And You Will Never No : whip : : whip :
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My brothers a fanny, he's also a bouncer, 'nuff said.
i fekin hate bouncers, they think they own the place.

whats the sia number, might come in handy one day
sometimes that happens m9 they get told by mangers not to let any more people in thru headsets in there ears

Yep, the one who asked me for ID had a headset in his ear, but I think it was the other bouncers talking to him about who wasn't coming in rather than the management.