Example 313 decode by hand


Inactive User
Aug 21, 2001
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I've had a few pm's from people wanting an example on how to decode the "313" code, so here you are:

The vcg values from 16th June are below, I'll use these
23 313
24 8366
25 350167829
26 8465

To decode we do a "3" (shift), then a "1" (Look up) followed by a final "3"

First we do the three shift. The 8366 refers to the shift pattern for each pin, so we shift right 0123456789 the agreed number of places

* 0123456789
8 2345678901
3 7890123456
6 4567890123
6 4567890123

Then the LUT "1". For this you are looking up a number in 350167829(4) adding in the missing (4) from the value of line 25 above (as each number 0,1,..9 appears once only).
The right hand side is simply a reordering of the columns to go in order - so that the next shift is easily done.

3501678294 >>>> 0123456789
2345678901 >>>> 4592136780
7890123456 >>>> 9047681235
4567890123 >>>> 6714358902
4567890123 >>>> 6714358902

Then the final "3", again as the numbers are in correct Look-up order, we simply shift right the stated number of places (8465)

4592136780 >>[8]>> 9213678045
9047681235 >>[4]>> 1235904768
6714358902 >>[6]>> 3589026714
6714358902 >>[5]>> 5890267143

There we have our final table, ready to use


So if we look up
look up 3 on the 1st line == 3
look up 2 on the 2nd line == 3
look up 0 on the 3rd line == 3
look up 9 on the 4th line == 3

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nix9 said:
I've had a few pm's from people wanting an example on how to decode the "313" code, so here you are:

Thank you for once again for the work you keep putting in to explain the system.

I hope you get lots of rep points - you certainly deserve them!
Very nice ive made it a sticky so its easy to find,,,,,
Boolian said:
erm How do you do reputation points?

click on the
icon on the left.
Please Complete My Education

Nix9 thanks for your brilliant explanations, but I cannot find any info. on the 4th digit in a 4dig ref 23.

You're the man to explain it! :)

Here's Hoping
Great work

Hi, im new to this site and found your decoding example very useful.

I have written a php keygen script that does the decoding. But i need more examples different combination of ref23 codes to check if its working correctly.

Currently the script is sitting on my computer, just need to find somewhere to host it.
I get a "Signups trought proxies are not allowed. Please use your real IP." error?
when I try to sign up, im not using a proxies!!!.

i have the keygen and i have been using it by clicking into internet update and pressing get values is this the right way to do it?
hutchybhoys said:
i have the keygen and i have been using it by clicking into internet update and pressing get values is this the right way to do it?
wrong thread to ask about the keygen - does it work that way? if so yes! Its the easiest (easier than the alternative of cut n paste values) so long as you can give it your user details correctly.