epc 2100


Inactive User
May 28, 2007
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awrite troops i'm trying to do an epc 2100 for the first time ,i got an rs232 lead for it but wasn't rite for this model.it needs jtag'd in the guide it says to use usbjtag thingg is on the cable guide the instructions for making a lead up aint to clear ......so i was wondering have any of u's got the instructions on how to make a usbjtag lead?

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cheers m8 thing is both those files are asking for a password....can u help with that?
just came back to try this out again and using the 250 pack i'm running in to the same prob,i can't
connect through hyper terminal when i does show signs of connection all that comes up is rubbish few wee squares some rocket shaped things....any 1 any ideas?

seen and the haynes guide that the lead from the max 232 needs to be re-wired i've tried that to all tho none of the tuts i've seen so far say to do it...what way id the rite way?

cheers for any help
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check ur that connection is the correct way round and its making good contact with the pins on the modem also check ur baud rate is set 115200
I'm in that club too.

I posted a while back but not much luck.
on this you will see the steps I have tried to test it.

My only exception is that I get nothing at all however when I batter the keyboard on connect (also using a com port monitor) I get information back but in the form of those random ASCII characters thuggy decribed. I reckon my soldering a wiring is fine because I can hook up max232 to my modem, open hyperterm, and with power off short the 2 pins on cable modem board and all things typed into hyperterm are echoed back (a basic loopback)

from what I can tell Im just getting nothing from the modems port.
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Oh I should have mentioned, upon connection (all plugged in then power modem) com port monitor reports receiving a <NULL> string, however hyperterm doesnt show this. Im gonna be back on this later, but need to boot back into XP to make sure its done right.

EDIT: Oh yeh, and I tried a 250, thats pinned out in such a way that you can reverse plug to switch Tx and Rx round, while maintaining VCC polarity, I have tried this with no differing effects (leads me to beleive wether the wiring is right or wrong, theres still an underlying problem which if we can solve this can help to update the future tuts.)

But for the records Im relying on connecting Tx from 232 to Rx on Modem and Rx on 232 to Tx from modem.
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Had this problem with the squares and the rocket shape thing. Changed the MAX232 chip and all working again.
have you tried that?
I've actually loopbacked my 232 and had feedback, voltmeter says 3.3 so it must be doing its job, I'll look into it though mate.
u need to have the feed connected then it will be ok
my problem was rx and tx were the wrong way round....as for the feed in i've now done 4 of these modems and never once pluged the feed in till it was all finnished so i think that up to ur self if u put it in or not
never plug the feed in until ur finish setting up the protection changes ie: telnet login... especially if in ur in ntl, ex c&w area's or ur modem will take the new updates and ur render ur modem useless!!!