eBay selling.

uv pen and light comes in handy. Mark it up before you post it
Gumtree works for me, buyers like it as they can pick up the item asap, never had a problem,
Ive been using the local buy/sell sites on Facebook to sell a few unwanted bits

Ive sold everything I've put up within an hour :)

I just picked up a brand new Youview box for a fiver ....Result :)
How do you go about that Rat?
Sounds interesting.
you have to find your local area buy/sell site on facebook mate then just add a photo with price etc and they come collect
Im bloody hooked on it lol

its like ebay used to be, people selling there unwanted items at a decent price
Okay cheers i will do a bit of a investigation..see whats about or set up.
Just PMd you @AJT :)
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Trouble with forsale or swap sites on facebook is people don't want to pay..

I had a iphone 5.. immaculate condition.. on fb i had a maximum offer of £60.. someone offered me £15.. did he really think yeah that seems like a fair offer, i hope he replies and says yes!

I shoved it on ebay.. someone won the item for £167 but didnt pay haha.. i then relisted it and it sold for £147.. paid almost instantly.. perfect..
Just on the flip side to the opening post:

I was away working and my son used my ebay account. He hasn't got my password for paypal (thank goodness) so could not pay for the item. I get an eamil requesting payment and when I had a look I saw that an item was bought. My wife tells me that my son bought something on ebay and asked if I could sort it. We I was really pissed off as the last time I paid for something for him........well let's just say I've given up on getting my money back. I called the bugger and told him that I would not be paying until I get the cash in my hands first. He's not around and will be back tomorrow when he said he will give me the cash. I then send an email to the seller explaining the situation and that by Monday at the latest payment should be made. I get no reply from him but then gat a message from ebay saying a case has been opened.
I fully understand my situation is not the sellers problem but to wait a couple of days especially for an item that's been re-listed couple times because it wasn't sold can't be that bad. At lease message me back saying that you can't wait and want to cancel the sale. I got no correspondence at all. Now i've bought loads of stuff on ebay and actually pay as soon as the item is won. All 200+ of my feedback says the same "quick payment".
Right now I feel like ignoring the seller if he contacts me again and just forgetting about the item. I know this sound bad as I'm the one who's not made payment and maybe I'm in the wrong here but I just feel that a simple lack of understanding and communication has escalated a simple issue to a problem.

Now I know I may get stick from some of you on here (especially sellers) so here goes!
For me i pay straight away but i have in the past asked if i can pay later and the sellers have been ok with that, i think the guy you delt with is pissed of at having to relist and you got the brunt of it
Some people buy the item knowing they don't have enough funds in the bank and wait a week till they come in,i personally know someone that does this......annoying I know.Ebay do always side with the buyer so I really try not to sell on there any more.
I once sold a guy 2 ipod speaker systems for £29 each ....in the advert I explained clearly that the boxes they were in were damaged but the item was new condition,he came back to me complaining that he had bought the items for his 2 nieces Xmas and the boxes were damaged and demanded that I reimburse him....after a protracted argument involving ebay etc etc I finally won.......He sent me a few threatening emails and I was awaiting a negative feedback for weeks but one day got 2 positive feedbacks.......I think he accidently left me feedback while leaving some for other items.......I emailed him pointing out his little mistake and took great delight in giving him 2 neg feedbacks leaving a month or so between the two just to make it look worse for him.:Cheers:
Hi everyone, my wife does the UV pen thing now, sold her oldish phone on eBay while back with the notification that it was locked to specific network, everything fine, then 7 weeks after sale goes through, suddenly negative feedback left for her with reason 'phone does not work!'. After contacting the buyer and numerous emails back and forth, turns out the buyer had taken the phone to a number of not so useful friends of hers to get it unlocked and they had damaged the phone. Fortunately, all this was in email, buyer started a dispute on eBay but it was rejected as she admitted phone was fine when it was sold but eBay did not remove negative feedback. Pretty poor that you cannot leave feedback on buyers anymore. Cheers, my little rant over now.