Does anyone have a soltuion to the dreambox key change

awww guys sorry to hear this......well it may be on it's way here.....
dang it man....never would have thought....wonder how much there going for on flaebay
most peple are here to help. if your here to gloat i think your on the wrong site.
you what mate.....joking arnt you....i think you got the wrong end of the stick
ite enough.....

knarr i was just meaning on ebay might be a good time to flog it and grab summit else....thats all.

Any way, if i can help you guys then gimme a shout.

i'll be watching this it a new cable companyn that's took over? you guys not on virgin
upc are a dutch company who took over chorus and ntl,and when have n2 coming soon in Ireland
dreambox 600t

hi i heard that ther is a code up date but still looking
I am working on a quickfix for the auto-roll problem.
my solution
reads in rom10s answer, ignoring 11th hex value and writes into a special created line in keylist.txt
reads in rom7s answer, ignoring 10th and 12th hex value
reads in rom11s answer, ignoring 13th hex value

I'll let you know how it goes when i am finished.

Did this hold true for the roll yesterday ?
rickets, not exactly, but the correct key was still easy/obvious to figure out from the 4 incorrect codes i recieved.
i have a new quick/dirty idea, based on the same idea but not relying on the errors being in the same place each time.
Arent the simplest solutions the best, if the boxes arent updating at the moment and everyone is waiting for the original programmers to update their work. As a simple quick fix isnt it possible as most people keep their boxes plugged into their network cable, cant you just make a simple program that will ftp to the box every couple of hours, download the keyfile, see what it it tw, etc and then download the whole file or just the updated keys from a remote server? Then just either update the existing keyfile or just replace the keyfile, then all you would have to do is restart the box???

Sorry that might be all wrong im a software engineer but I dont really have much experience with dream boxes, I assume there are a few problems with my suggestion cos im sure someone would have already done that by now? If they havent and someone does make it can you call it the DW Super Deluxe Dreambox Auto Updater???

Another idea, cant this all be built into the Dreambox image itself where it has a remote update button???
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Who will host all of these keys (it being technically illegal to host correct keys)????
They could be hosted on an american host or other foreign host, it need only be a simple text file, no one would really know where they are... It could also be encrypted and just a simple text file, the program decrypts it before uploading it to the box, come on im sure you can easily hide a simple .txt encrypted and only a couple of bytes in size somewhere on the net, lol... Im sure if its hosted on a foreign host, VM have no control or rights to take it down really as its just a random set of numbers in a text file :)
a batch file so to speak

piece of piss for ftp

but remember the variables

ip address of box

different login details for images

diffrerent folders for keys
Doesnt have to be a batch file, just a simple vb program... I dont really know much about these boxes, so I dont know the file locations or what the keyfile should even look like, lol I would have made it if I did...

A simple VB program, you run it manually or it runs every half an hour, ftp to the box, look in the common directories for the right file, when it finds it, either by the location of the file or by the file contents you should know the type of box and the type e.g TW??? I dont know if this is true as I said I dont know much about the boxes, I only know programming so finding simple solutions is what I normally do.

Anyway so you have the file, you check it on the net at a top secret hidden location against a template keyfile or just the keys themselves, the just ftp the file back to the box, the whole process should take 2 seconds to update then you just reboot the box...

I dont know much about the language the boxes are programmed in but couldnt the box itself have an update option like this that connects to the net and updates its keys?