DM500s & MGCAMD!


Inactive User
Mar 25, 2005
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Hi, for days and days i've been trying to setup mgcamd on my dm500s but totally confused! Not sure where files go what files i need etc so a little help would be great!

Thank you people!
you need to install mgcam then mgcam confic then in var/keys you will see newcamd list thats where you put your N line you should see an example line in newcamd list you delete it and replace with your N line but you remove the N:
ok follow this it should get you going
to start
open your ftp program and ftp to the box
to find your newcamnd list file go to var/keys/newcamnd.list (unlike cccam where you go var/etc/cccamcfg)
when in newcamnd list insert your n line details but remove the n and replace with cws=
save and exit then reboot box select mgcamnd as your emu and you should then clear the channels
if you do not have the newcamnd.list file you can make one with a tect editor like notepad NOT WORDPAD and save as newcamnd.list then ftp across to your box in the keys folder
Thanks for the reply's, so with the place i get my cline from do i change the protocol to newcamd5.25 or leave it as camd3?

Do i enter my the line as follows:

cws=cs357x://xxxx:[email protected]:port

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Why would you have it set to newcamd or camd when you want to use mgcamd?? you would set your default cam to mgcamd matey.Are you also sure you have been given an N: line and not a C: line? C: lines for mgcamd will have to go in cccamd.list.Have you installed mgcamd on your box yet? Have you got newcamd.list and mg.cfg in var/keys mate? let us know some more and well get you sorted.

I wrote a document on configuring mgcamd on a DM500. If you do a search should find it.