@ digidude or anyone who Knows


Global Moderator
Staff member
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
dude I have a problem with my sky and I'm a bit baffled m8 wonder if you got any pointers

I have Sky+ box downstairs and a normal Sky box upstairs in my daughters room on multi room, last week the box upstairs stopped working altogher (was 3 days outside warrenty lol) so I put another box on I had spare and rang up and got the card paired .. no problem all working

Now today all of a sudden the new box has stopped working upstairs and is showing no signal in the setup page, I've tried another box I know to be OK and no signal either :( I've traced the cable back to the LNB and all seems OK

I'm getting a good strong signal from both feeds on the Sky+ and all is working ok, is it possible for the LNB to be playing up seeing as I'm getting such a good signal downstairs ? I can't think of anything else, any Ideas m8 ?
Im guessing you have a quad lnb - 2 for the sky plus downstairs and using another port for the upstairs box? If so take the box with no signal downstairs and use one fo the feeds for the sky plus box in it to see if that box then works ok? If it does you can be pretty sure that the lnb is faulty if you are sure the cable is ok!!
Thanks gooner I will try that tomorrow m8 :)