Diamonds are forever.

as another saying goes "diamond are a girls best friend" so this gal would miss you as im sure all the other gals and guys will, chill out for a week bud and reconsider - then come back :)

all the very best to you with whatever you do in your life xx
can not believe this the guy that started it all for me and joined me to dw is leaving.ano you have been bizzy of late m8 but just hopfully you reconsider and pop in from time to time .the site will not be the same without you m8 and you might be leaving dw but theres no chance you'll get rid of me lol

good look on what ever you decide m8 and see you soon :grayno:
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fook!! I have just read this!!

D, we know each other and we have had a drink together etc....this will be a sad loss to the forum, but what I do know is that once you make up your mind you stick with it. To which I respect!!

Hopefully as you say, you will keep on poping in once in a while, and may I say good luck as you deserve it!!

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Sorry to see you go Diamond. I wish you all the best for the future in whatever you do, and wherever you go. I hope to see you back on DW again soon. GoodBye.
Not sure if you have already left or not but just sit in the shadows m8. Don't be so hasty things will work out in the end. A few of the new members need to learn the rules. Sit tight but don't go forever. Shine on you Crazy Diamond!
bit behind on my posts and found this one, damn.

hope things are ok m8, and still pop back here, or better still, don't go, just forget you posted this thread, and lets get back to normal again
think i missed this one out as well,

all the best mate, make sure you pop in now and then
Diamond your one of the first people i can remember from when i first looked in on dw (or whatever its called these days) over dutchos shoulder, it is a sad moment to see a long standing member deciding to leave.

You have must have made your mind up and no changing it, otherwise you would not have posted. I think there will always be a place for you here when you decide to come back, even under a new name and ip i'm sure you will be noticed as old habbits and friendship quirks are hard to cure.

I am sure it must be hard for you if you find your loyality must be divided.

Good luck and look after yourself m8.