@ diamond It's Your Fault

Remember that time you tried to accost that woman in the lift, at the TV Station?…and she was my boss!
You got me sacked when she found out you were a friend (strike that) aquaintance of mine. She made sure I couldn’t get a job anywhere else around here.
So I got no money left because of you :(

Its your fault!!!!

May as well try to get back on track :)
and why did i escort her into the lift because you said i wouldn't have the balls to touch her up.

So It's Your Fault

getting there i think lmao
I think that would contravine this rule:

"You can't say "you told me to" or use "told me to" as an easy out.

To be honest I think we have both used this:rolleyes:

And here is a run down of the rules just in case anyone was wondering LOL

Nobody can ever discuss or disclose the event itself. You must never say what it is that you're talking about.
Every turn MUST include the statement "It's your fault" somewhere. This is the most common slipup, so some players choose not to enforce this option as a game ending rule. Also, variations may be accepted as long as the word "fault" is used.
Everything said within a turn is considered to be fact, and can not be disputed. You can not suddenly remember a different story or excuse. Nothing can ever contradict any point made. This is considered a loss. If you are told you to blame because you chose the paint, then this is true. You can not answer with "No I didn't."
During game play, blame must always be passed to the opposing player, or their family heritage. Players are free to fictionalize any family member as required, and these must not be apposed. If player one says player two has a 6 year old sister, then this becomes canon for the game. Player two can not say; "I don't have a sister".
Families can never cross. No inter-family marriages are allowed. The game is based on blame being certain, not wishy-washy.
No adoption of any kind.
Every turn must include only stories that "could" actually happen within the rules of our known universe. Nothing nonsensical can be introduced into the story. Science is the law.
Although blame may quickly jump to generations of "great great great" grandparents, the time-line is also a priority. It is unlikely your brother was alive at the same time of your great great great great uncle. Breaking logical timelines is considered a loss. At some point however, it may be worthwhile to just start using terms like "his uncle" rather than continually remembering how many levels of "great" an uncle may be.
Each new turn must be directly related to the previous statement. You can not start a new thought, without specifically linking to the previous turn. Most new turns will go backwards in time.
No family can own utility companies.
No religion. No son of God or God references.
You can't say "you told me to" or use "told me to" as an easy out.
No single conceptual idea may be re-used. This includes concepts such as property ownership, company ownership, etc. The rule is self governed, so each player must be happy with any decisions, or the turn is cancelled. If you choose, disputes over this rule can be nullified without ending the game. The player may simply choose another route, and change their story.
Be as creative as you like, but do not include more than one new thought per turn. No need to offer fantastic details that could be used against you. Shorter answers are better.
seems like a good idea to me, and should be a huge hit (makes them think a bit more) but u only came up with this as word
association became so popular , and who thought that up
oh yes it was you

bit to much to drink last night diamond m8, really should'nt
post when i'm that bladdered.first day back at work after 3
weeks think i went into shock ;)