@ diamond It's Your Fault

but i told ya when i was pissed after a night out with you so there for m8 it's your fault
Its not my fault you flop out after 2 shandys m8:) You cant hold your drink, so its your fault:Hit:.
but they where pint whiskey shandy's you where getting me m8 so it's still your fault
I humbly apologise m8:) I had no idea they were whisky shandys:confused:

It must have been that tattoo'd barmaid sister of yours, lacing your drinksLMAO.

Its still your fault m8:)
Only because you are barred from all the other pubs in Sunderland m8.
When you continue to insert your thingy into every pocket of every pool table you see. Its no wonder is it?

LOL its your fault
but i only do that m8 cos you double dare me everytime we go out so there for my friend IT'S YOUR FAULT
Well thats only to take your mind off singing m8.

cos you always start singing with your stammer and lisp, and you never get time to get a round in before you finish one song m8.

I cannot afford to buy both our drinks all night.

so its your fault
well m8 i only got the stammer and lisp after your sister bit tongue during a snogging session after you paid me to shut her up

So once more m8 it's your fault
Well she wanted to take her false teeth out m8 before going down & that:eek: , but you told her not to, as you were a tough guy!

Now you cant even say the word "tough" LMFAO

Its still your fault:T
yes m8 your right i am tough but after that time you made me run round the streets in nuddy in the snow that just made my stammer & lisp worse so it's still your fault
Well throwing your clothes away into the Wear wasn't the brightest idea you've ever had m8.

So I only made you run, so you wouldnt die of hypothermia.

As ever m8;) Its your fault
but i only threw them in the river m8 cos you vomited all over them so once again m8 it is your fault
After eating a tadger cooked bacon sandwich from a pig sty, that you made for me m8.
Soz I couldnt stop myself from puking.

Its your fault :) :)
maybe so m8 but you could have hit a sad makem in stead but know you didn't them to kick your head in you chicken

so it's still your fault
Yep! They don’t call me Mñ Clucker Giblet for nowt!!I was sh1t scared to spew my ring on them. But most importantly, I needed to do something about your attire.
Those Nordoc Jeans and Darkie 99,s shoes didn’t match your snorkel jacket. So if you had more dress sense, you’d be more welcome on my nights out.

That’s why I done it m8, cos you cramp my style.

Will you just agree it’s your fault m8?

TRAMP!!! :Hit:
i might not have much dress sense m8 but you need on your nights out as you chat up patter is crap and i'm the one that pulls the birds for both of us. :pimp: :Smileysex

Sorry to say it m8 but it is your fault :Hit: :Hit:
Originally posted by chris1975
as you chat up patter is crap and i'm the one that pulls the birds for both of us. :pimp: :Smileysex

So in what way does that prove its my fault?? How can your patter be better than mine?? You and your sssssssssstut t tterrr and lishp makes that very unlikely.

Unless you are referring to the fact that you are the one that pulls the barrow with our pigeon basket on, when we go to exercise them.

Well you know that the reason I cant pull it is because of my bad back, caused by carrying you home from the pub most nights.

Just get it in your head m8

Its your fault:Frog:

NB I truly think we have gone wrong with this one m8 LMAO
you only carry me home drunk most nights cos your too tight to pay half the taxi fair and i aint paying it all

so once again my friend it's your fault

Looks possable that we lost track :)