@ diamond It's Your Fault

How can it be? You idiot!!!:Hit: If you hadn’t snapped the end off it in the first place, it would have worked ok. So it’s your fault Chris:Frog:

BTW This is a private argument:) :)
i only snapped the end off it when i was fixing that moped for you so there for it's your fault
Well if your pet Antelope hadnt jumped out into the road, in front of me. It wouldnt be damaged would it? So its your fault!!
the anelope only jumped in front of you cos you sister left the gate open after you sent her round for some milk so it's your fault
Well if you didnt knock my bottle of milk off the table when you was rat arsed, she wouldnt have been there in the first place.

Dont you just know it? Its YOUR fault man! :mad:

but when i knocked the bottle of milk of the table it was when i was baby sitting your kids so you could go out.

So basically pal it's still your fault
And when you ran over my regular babysitter with your combine harvester. You never stopped to think "Its yout fault"?m8 :T
and that only happened cos you left her lying in my field after you had serviced her so it is still your fault:mad:

Well if you hadnt been busy in the barn playing with the goat. thats where she would have been m8.

so its still your fault:eek:
i was only in the barn with the goat cos the goat won't go outside since you scared it with your silly laugh. so it's still your fault
Well if your brother Ivan (The Vet) had not cured its profound deafness with that injection of his. It would not have heard me laugh when I seen you had your tadger out, in the pig sty.

So very sorry but its your fault m8:Dunce:

but i was only in the pig sty makin bacon for your brekkie cos i know your a lover of bacon so it's still your fault m8
Well your Mam would never teach me how to "make bacon:confused: in the pig sty:confused: using the tadger:rolleyes: "

So thats not my fault m8. Its your fault!!!:Frog:
because she knew it would be too confusing for you with your memory problems so that my friend means it's your fault
Well I only started suffering (whatsit??) er memory loss. Since I seen her removing the top from a brown ale bottle within the cheeks of her arse. That shock was too much for me to take LOL.

Hence its your fault :(
but you only seen that happen cos you was spying over the fence to see my sister sunbathing

so i am sorry to keep saying this m8 BUT IT'S YOUR Fault
Well if you never told me about your sisters Digital World tattoo, I wouldnt of bothered m8. Cos she's no oil painting is she??:Hit:

So its your fault of course:) :)