dbox 1

hi all guess who dropped a thingy,we i now have a dbox 1 bought in error what i would like to know is does anyone have a tut on setting them up its getting winter and i need a project anyway,any hel at all as i havnt a clue at present is there anyone else stuck maybe we can bungle along together and watch the smoke,any help would go a long way ie what card should i have there is a card in it but not sure what it is has a red spot in top right corner picture of some guy and says open platform on it i think its fun card?
must be someone had one i hope'
hi mgb thanks for reply
well in cam menue,it says dvb2000
bv2.01d betatv

01 01 02 01
emm/ecm:1fff 1099

hope that helps
You have to scan via the tuner menue every valid frequency.
You own a bluecam which is not convertible to the amon soft.
hi m8
how can i change bluecam,or is it not possible,wish i knew a bit more about this but cant find anything to read i have read gavs tut,but i think i need to learn a lot more
The cam looks like a pcmcia card and is in a slot at the left side of the cardreader.
If you open the flap you see a plastic panel with 2 small slits at the upper site. If you put your fingernails in both slits and press carefully down and then to your side you can remove that panel.
hi mgb
thanks for info,got card out picture of planet earth on it says conditional accesson one side,beta research on bottom sticker on says -81 any idea what cam i need and where i can buy one