D600 only £208 :)


EDITED BY RAT no promoting of own sites unless u have the permission of the forums Admin

200mins a month anytime any networks AND 200 free txts for first 3 months
what a offer. you could even sell the fone and basically end up with free line rental for the whole year + some extra profit on this one
Do we now have moles from certain websites trying to sell their wares on here now too???? Doesn't seem like any different from any other mobile sites offer...perhaps I'm wrong... ;-)
well spoted Tallywadger we'll wait for his reply,could be he just likes that site lol
yes it could just be that of course rat m8!...... ;-) perhaps I'm just too sensitive for my own good!!! heh heh....then again...... ;-)
*cough* *************************Could the 'ts' of tsj stand for Talwinder Singh? (nothing to go on from his public profile, perhaps a higher power could look into this one...)

If so, isn't this against the no traders rule?
He's being very quiet for a member trying to help out the rest aint he??? >-)

think you've sussed correctly Rat! otherwise he would have protested by now methinks.......... >-)
Just out of curiosity, did anyone received private message regarding cheap Tit2 Cards? Or is it just me.
Also following day it was posted in main page.