D+ open


Inactive User
Oct 9, 2005
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teletubbie land
not sure how true it is but there is rumours that D+ is open on dreamboxes using rom 142....................

..................i hope so;)
yes thats what ive read on another forum.

fingers crossed

D+ doesn't use rom 142 m8 I think your referring to Cabo as they use this rom card.
nope saki m8 have a look around especially the other big satellite place in the dreambox section and you'll see;)

it might use rom cards now it's changed encryption;)
I was told D+ are using rom 180? This must be a new rumor as nothing seems to be confirmed as for Cabo being hacked in Nagra 3 has been around for a few weeks now and peeps are certain its hacked, they are also using Rom 142.
Ok here is the bin file for the dreambox if anyone wants to try it. It's been confirmed it clears D+ channels but not the Taquillas.
is there anything for other receivers??? I also see that nova/showtime package now clears on the TM1500ci with a gammacard!
the file has a read me that leads to a german forum that you have to register on

@ drunken master

the gamma card is a very tempremental bit of kit in my experiance

it refused to be recognised in a technomate 1000D+, 5300 and any internal dreambox card slot

it worked sometimes in a technomate 1500 and dragon CAM

it worked perfectly (AU'd within a few seconds) in a technomate 5200 with additional card reader and a pheonix reader connected to a dreambox

they have to be loaded with the code for either nova OR showtime, so for both (as far as im aware) youd need 2 cards
the file has a read me that leads to a german forum that you have to register on

@ drunken master

the gamma card is a very tempremental bit of kit in my experiance

it refused to be recognised in a technomate 1000D+, 5300 and any internal dreambox card slot

it worked sometimes in a technomate 1500 and dragon CAM

it worked perfectly (AU'd within a few seconds) in a technomate 5200 with additional card reader and a pheonix reader connected to a dreambox

they have to be loaded with the code for either nova OR showtime, so for both (as far as im aware) youd need 2 cards

If you install the latest 1000 series update it should work fine as this update was released to make the card work with this box and other TM series. I don't have a card therefore I haven't tested it.
i only bought mine cos im one of those idiots that buy things cos the price is good, then think 'what the fook do i want this for?' lol

im going back about a month when i tested it in the technomates, but what i can say is that it wont work in a 9100 as that wont boot with a pheonix plugged in, and the internal slots cant recognise it

i only kept the card as it was said on another site that it wouldnt work on more than one reciever at the same time If you could get it working at all, so i spent endless nights tapping away untill i worked it out, and ill be fooked with greased barbed wire if im telling them how i did it lol
i noticed you were kindda quiet after the last thread on gamma! Failed to get the one i was after today, if you know where i can still get one pm me plz m8!!
Did the switch over to Nagra3 disable CS aswell??

I used to have access to a multitude of Tequila shares and now they've all vansihed :(
if somebody on the share had a valid D+ sub then their card should have been upgraded and there for would still be active on the share but if they've dissapeared then theres an excellent chance they never had an official card and was using something different,maybes a MOSC